Chapter 9 Section 5 Notes Woodrow Wilson Don’t they look alike? Wilson is on the left… the guy on the left is actor Bob Gunton. Any idea what movie he is prominently featured in? One of my favorites…
How did Wilson get to be President? grew up in South = prejudiced against blacks previous careers = lawyer, professor, president at Princeton University, Governor of New Jersey Very intelligent and a good public speaker
Wilson’s New Freedom Plan 3 Main Focuses 1. = Eliminate Trusts by Passing the Clayton Antitrust Act Not allowing companies to form a monopoly Labor Unions have the right to exist Peaceful strike tactics became legal Creating the Federal Trade Commission Requires companies to submit regular reports of their business operations to the govt. Any violations results in fines (possibly jail time for management) Clip on Website about trusts - Headquarters in Wash. DC Over 1,000 employees today Helps protect people 3 modern focuses are identity theft, telemarketing (do not call list), and internet data collection (do not track list)
How will the government make up for this lack of incoming tax $$$? 2. Lower tariffs by Passing the Underwood Act Wilson appeared before Congress in person Set a precedent (1st time doing something… gets regularly repeated) 1st state of the union address Barely passed through Congress Due to influence from business lobbyists (people who try to influence politicans) 1st time since before the Civil War tariffs on imports were substantially reduced (and even eliminated in some cases) Main Results = More foreign businesses competed in the U.S. Lower prices on most products for consumers Less tax $$$ coming into the U.S. Govt. How will the government make up for this lack of incoming tax $$$?
The 16th Amendment More you make, more you pay in taxes…
3. Reforming the banking system by Passing the Federal Reserve Act established control of banking by the national government, not private businesses 5 Main Goals Control interest rates around the country Lend $$$ to any bank or credit union that runs into financial trouble Create and issue new currency (destroy old stuff) Provide banking services to the U.S. Govt. (Loan the govt. $$$ whenever they need it) Supervise and Regulate member banks and credit unions around the country
There are 12 Fed Reserve banks around the country All banks and credit unions are required to join one Makes it easy to move $ around the country from one financial institution to the next
Federal Reserve Building in Washington D.C.
Janet Yellen is the Current Head of the Federal Reserve. Some people would say she is the 2nd most powerful person in the U.S.
Women gain suffrage during Wilson’s presidency 19th Amendment (1920) Movement led by 2 groups Old Timers (NWSA – led by Carrie Chapman Catt) Very organized Widespread support around the country Mostly peaceful Did stuff behind the scenes Sent petitions to state Congresses Nothing confrontational Young Blood (National Woman’s Party – led by Alice Paul) More active, picketed White House Willing to be arrested Hunger strikes from jail! Included mostly poor and working women
Major Reason Women get right to vote when they do is WWI Did all kinds of jobs to help win the war Used those contributions as pressure to force govt. to act
Wilson’s tarnished legacy Believed in segregation (segregated Wash DC) Civil Rights not gained angered leaders in movement that originally supported Wilson
World War I ends the progressive movement as country focuses on war More in chapter 11