Array Techniques Unit 4
Array Order Reversal Problem Rearrange the elements in an array so that they appear in reverse order.
Array Order Reversal Algorithm Description
Array Order Reversal Algorithm Applications Arrayreversal.txt Vector and Matrix Processing
Array counting or histogramming Problem Given a set of n student’s examination marks (in the range 0 to 100 ) make a count of the number of students that obtained each possible mark.
Array counting or histogramming Algorithm Description
Array counting or histogramming Algorithm histogram.txt Applications Statistical analysis
Finding maximum number in a set Problem Find the maximum number in a set of n numbers.
Finding maximum number in a set Algorithm Description
Finding maximum number in a set Algorithm Maximum.txt Applications Plotting Scaling And Sorting
REMOVAL OF DUPLICATES FROM AN ORDERED ARRAY Problem Remove all duplicates from an ordered array and contract the array accordingly.
REMOVAL OF DUPLICATES FROM AN ORDERED ARRAY Algorithm removedup.txt Application Data Compression and text processing problems
Partitioning an array Problem Given a randomly ordered array of n elements, partition the elements into two subsets such that elements ≤x are in one subset and elements > x are in the other subset.
Partitioning an array Algorithm Description
Partitioning an array Algorithm Applications Paritition.txt Sorting Statistical classification
Finding the kth Smallest element Problem: Given a randomly ordered array of n elements determine the kth smallest element in the set.
Finding the kth Smallest element Algorithm Description
Finding the kth Smallest element
Finding the kth Smallest element Algorithm Smallestelement.txt Applications Finding the median and percentile
Longest monotone subsequence Problem Given a set of n distinct numbers, find the length of the longest monotone increasing subsequence.
Longest monotone subsequence Algorithm Description
Longest monotone subsequence Algorithm Applications Studying random sequences File comparision