Chapter 28 America on the World Stage
Benevolent Assimilation Vicious guerrilla warfare Aguinaldo captured in 1901 “Little Brown Brothers” – William H. Taft “Benevolent assimilation” Improved roads, sanitation, health Economic ties School system
Open Door Policy - China Secretary of State – John Hay Stated all nations would allow trade and Chinese independence Italy accepted, Russia did not
Boxer Rebellion Patriotic Chinese rebellion against foreigners in 1900 Many nations came together to put rebellion down
Election of 1900 William McKinley William Jennings Bryan Republican Established gold standard Imperialism William Jennings Bryan Democrat Silver standard Cross of gold speech Anti – imperialism
Teddy Roosevelt Takes over when McKinley assassinated (1901)
“Big Stick” Diplomacy President as the supreme decision maker “Speak softly and carry a big stick”
Panama Canal Originally meant to go through Nicarauga Panama Revolution against Columbia Led by Bunau-Varilla Signed Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty US 10 mile around Panama region 1904-1914: $400 million
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine “Preventive Intervention” Fear of European intervention in Latin America U.S. would pay off debts to European countries to keep them out Negative relations with Latin America
Japanese in America Discrimination in California (mainly schools) “Gentleman’s Agreement” No discrimination against Japanese in U.S. No emigration of Japanese to U.S. Root-Takahira agreement Respecting of possessions