ethical issues in business Ethical Issues when using information from the Internet © EIT, Author Gay Robertson, 2017
As part of Digital Citizenship, you need to demonstrate honesty and integrity and ethical behaviour in your use of Information Communication Technologies (ICT)
Copyright Act 1994 Copyright (New Technologies) Amendment Act 2008 and Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Act 2011
Copyright Act 1994 Intention of the Act “Copyright is a property right which exists in certain types of original works” In most cases, only the copyright owner can copy the work or grant a license to copy it The © symbol warns – illegal to copy!!
What’s covered in the Act? Literary all electronic documents (including software because it is “words” or “programming language”) - covers copying and downloading, scanning, photocopying Musical electronic music - covers copying and downloading Also covered by Copyright (New Technologies) Amendment Act 2008 (called Format Shifting where one copy for personal use can be made of a purchased recording) Artistic (including all electronic digital pictures and photos, paintings, maps, plans, user interface and web page designs) - covers copying and downloading and alteration of originals
Why the amendments to the Act? Provides owners of copyrighted works such as movies, TV shows and music a quicker and easier way to penalise people infringing their copyright via online file sharing. The intention of the law changes is to crack down on peer-to-peer file sharing Updates and clarifies how copyright applies to new technologies in the digital environment within a modern legal framework
What’s covered by the law changes? Only online file sharing that infringes copyright “Peer-to-peer File sharing” is defined by the new law as: material uploaded or downloaded from the Internet (and) using an application or network that enables the simultaneous sharing of material between multiple users (one computer connected to another, or connected to many others, sharing files across the internet) Anything that doesn’t meet both parts of this definition is not covered by the new law.
What are the penalties? You get 2 warning notices then the 3rd notice Then the copyright owner can take you to the Copyright Tribunal Depending upon circumstances, the penalty is up to a maximum $15,000 payable to the copyright owner The person who owns the Internet account (account holder) is liable, even if he or she wasn’t the person who broke the law You can be disconnected from the internet for up to 6 months Allegations of copyright infringement made against you (the account holder) by the copyright owner are presumed to be correct unless you give evidence or reasons why you aren’t guilty
As part of being a digital citizen, you must be aware of the following implications .. You must be thoroughly professional and ethical in your actions by not infringing copyright of software, electronic documents, music, images etc Act provides for legal action against copyright infringement. Copyright infringement is NOT a criminal offence, but you can be sued by the copyright owner If you are working, an organisation will pass any costs associated to individual account holder or employee (YOU) All users of IT systems are responsible for their own account
Want to know more … Go to the following URL for further information and clarification
Why are you looking at all these Acts Why are you looking at all these Acts? As part of Digital Citizenship, you need to demonstrate honesty and integrity and ethical behaviour in your use of Information Communication Technologies (ICT)
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