Byzantine History & Civilization
Introduction: The Basics Course title: “Byzantine History & Civilization” Room: Times: Course website:
Introduction: The Instructor Contact Information *E-mail*: Office Hours: I contact students via UML student addresses
Introduction: Course Description Focus: Byzantine Empire and surrounding civilizations Time frame: ca. AD 300–1500 Subjects of interest: imperial rule, religion, military, culture *Heavy reading, discussion*
Introduction: The Texts Gregory’s A History of Byzantium (2010) 2nd ed. Required Useful to prepare for class, paper
Introduction: The Texts Primary Sources Necessary for class discussion Available online
Introduction: The Texts Historical Atlas of the World Necessary for mid-term Useful to have!
Introduction: Grading Class Participation 25% of your total grade (100 points) Mid-Term Research Paper Final Exam
Introduction: Grading Information on Exams Based on lectures, primary source readings Written Study guides will be provided
Introduction: Grading Tardy Work 10-point deduction will result each day, for Failure to take exams and quizzes on scheduled day Late assignments
Introduction: Grading Extra Credit Limit of two assignments Each worth +10 Options Primary source analysis Oral presentation Must be completed before final class period
Introduction: Grading “A Policy” Earn A grades (90-100) on all assessments, participate successfully in all class discussions… Reward Exemption from having to take final Final grade: A or A- Cannot be based on extra credit Extraordinarily strong performance in discussion can substitute for a B+/B
Introduction: Classroom Lectures Power Point presentations Available online Able to be printed*
Introduction: Classroom Academic Dishonesty Will not be tolerated in this class!
Introduction: Classroom Disabilities Let the instructor know as soon as possible so any necessary arrangements can be made…
Introduction: Classroom Cell phones must be silenced, tucked away before class begins Snacks and drinks are okay
Introduction Questions?
Introduction: Attendance Who are you? Name, nickname Major Why this class?
Byzantine History & Civilization Time to reflect… What do we know about the Byzantine Empire? What does “Byzantine” mean?
Byzantine History & Civilization How do the following images reflect on themes from Byzantine history?
Byzantine History & Civilization
Byzantine History & Civilization
Byzantine History & Civilization
Byzantine History & Civilization
Byzantine History & Civilization
Byzantine History & Civilization
Byzantine History & Civilization
Byzantine History & Civilization
Byzantine History & Civilization
Byzantine History & Civilization Questions?