Impacts of BC from fire emission on air quality ---- case study in 2010 Benpei Cao 04/25/13
Introduction Black carbon (BC) is mainly emitted from incomplete burning processes of fossil fuel and biomass; BC is the most efficient light-absorbing fraction of aerosols. The warming effect of BC is surpassed only by CO 2 ; BC has a short atmospheric residence time of 2-3 weeks, which means its concentration is strongly influenced by episodic events and meteorology; Wildfire is identified as an important source for BC. The fire activity is increasing due to climate change.
Wildfire in Russia Moscow Peak fire:1-10 August MODIS fire counts (orange) & FRP greater than 200 MW (blue) Source: AOD: Jul MODIS Terra AOD >Several hundred wildfires broke out across western Russia >Starting from late July, lasting until early September >The worst on record to that time. Roughly $15 billion USD damages
Wildfire in Southern America Brazil MODIS Terra AOD: Aug 2010 Anomalies of vegetation covering during Jul-Sep 2010 Source: World resources report
Cause of Fire (Russian case) >Historically hot summer and drought >High coverage of forests, ~30% world-wide forests are in Russia Source:
Model Simulation CAM-chem Default input Modified (BC) emission input GFEDv3 fire emission Questions to answer: >How does BC emission affect the meteorology and air quality? >What feedback BC emission could have on wildfire? Coupled chemistry-climate model, incorporating the MOZART chemical mechanism in CAM (Community Atmosphere Model)
AOD: Satellite vs. Default-run Satellite July Model July Satellite AugModel Aug
AOD: Default-run vs. Modified-run Default JulyModified July Default Aug Modified Aug
BC Monthly Mean Default run Modified run Black Carbon: August Mean (µg/m 3 ) >We lost BC over Asia >Got higher BC in South America and Africa MODIS: Brazil August 17
Why we didnt get BC in Russia? GFED v3 product we used to modify the emission didnt show BC enhancement over Russia! Aug fire emission: gC/m 2 /month
We are not alone Source: An extreme air pollution episode in the Moscow region, ACP
What to do next: BCRadiationMeteorologyAir Quality Fire Feedback >Temperature >Precipitation >Wind Speed >PBL height etc
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