Little Miss Sunshine
Major Depressive Disorder The most common disability in the world
Affects about 6% of men and 10% of women.
Depression has crossed the line from a normal reaction to major depressive disorder when five of the following nine symptoms are present for two or more weeks:
Symptoms Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day. Little interest or pleasure in almost all activities. Significant changes in weight or appetite. Sleeping more or less than usual. Agitated or decreased level of activity.
Fatigue or loss of energy. Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt. Diminished ability to think or concentrate. Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.
These symptoms must also produce distress or impaired functioning to qualify as indicators of major depressive disorder.
One of the main differences between depression and normal grief is the apparent reason for the emotions
Depression may have no apparent trigger.
Causes of Depression Genetic (family history) Chemical imbalance Psychological (social, anxiety, stress) Trauma
Treatment Psychotherapy Medication ECT (if meds and therapy have failed) Self-Care (diet, exercise, etc.)
Suicide 1 Million people world-wide take their own lives.
5,000 young people ages 15-24 kill themselves every year.
Warning Signs Suicide threats Obsession with death Poems, essays, etc. about death. Dramatic change in personality or appearance. Irrational, bizarre, behavior.
Overwhelming sense of guilt, shame, or rejection. Changed eating or sleeping patterns. Severe drop in school performance. Giving away belongings.
Uncle Frank