Science Starter What are the 4 main types of tissue? *Unit 5 Test Tomorrow *Field Trip Permission Slips due Tomorrow (no excuses!) *Progress Reports Monday Science Starter What are the 4 main types of tissue? What is the order of a synapse down a neuron? What is the difference between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system? How man different synovial joints are there? How do muscles depend on oxygen?
Today’s Agenda Science Starter Anyone Who Had a Heart: A Case Study Unit 5: Study Guide Work Time
Anyone Who Had a Heart: A Case Study There are 5 parts to this case study You will be given parts 1-4 in the beginning Be sure to put any drawings, ideas, answers on your groups chart paper We will review each part as a group, but you are free to work ahead You have 40 minutes to complete parts 1-4, so be quick!
Anyone Who Had a Heart: A Case Study Need help with questions? First step should be to visit my website homepage and checkout the links! If you need help after that, you may ask me…
Part 1- Prenatal visit
Part 2- The arrival
Part 3- The babies
Part 4- Brianna
Part 5- Brianna: Conclusion
Unit 5 Study Guide Complete all of the objectives in the study guide Take time to look over your notes, really focus on the anatomy of the heart and how blood flows (where is it oxygenated and deoxygenated) If you are done, look over your study guide and tests from units 1-4. (There will be ~20 questions from past material)