LAMAS Working Group 19-21 June 2017 Agenda items 5.2 and 5.3 LFS based publications LFS online tables Eurostat
Job-to-job transition definition Labour market slack 2 NOs NOT replacing current indicators, only supplementing; if we don't publish, we are asked to send data to produce it U.S. approach is different in definition (we cannot replicate), and will introduce another denominator; confusion with ECB approach Job-to-job transition definition Unclear? – 10 don't know Labour turnover rate Provision of all flow results before publication Small delay in publication due to formatting Eurostat
Conclusion Labour market slack – publish Job-to-job transition definition – no alternative proposals, publish Labour turnover rate – further analysis, discussion with DG ECFIN, who asked for it; publish Provision of all flow results before publication – will be done
Information on new label "experimental statistics"
European pillar of social rights (1) European Pillar of Social Rights presented by the Commission on 26/04/2017 ( The Pillar of Social Rights: compass for a process leading to renewed socio-economic convergence It builds upon 20 key principles, structured around three categories: Equal opportunities and access to the labour market Dynamic labour markets and fair working conditions Public support / social protection and inclusion Eurostat
European pillar of social rights (2) Scoreboard of key indicators To screen employment and social performances of participating Member States Eurostat provider of data for most indicators Online presentation via scoreboard and 'main tables' 37 online tables 17 based on EU-LFS 13 labour market indicators: gender employment gaps, employment rates, unemployment rates, activity rates, employment in current job by duration 4 education indicators: early leavers, NEET, tertiary educational attainment, adult learning Eurostat
LFS-based online tables in other domains Methodology and metadata: other units in Eurostat (E1, E4, F1, G3, G4) Updating of online tables: F3 Coherence with LFS-based labour market and education statistics as same calculation standards are used (incl. flags) Domains concerned Already produced by F3: tourism (12 tables), forestry (2 tables), youth (15 tables), regional (21 tables) ICT (specialists, training): 8 tables – produced by F3 since August 2016 (new) Human resources in science and technology (HRST, HTEC): 34 tables – produced by F3 since January 2017 (new) Eurostat