Expanding Knowledge: Introduction to Scholarly Communication John Furfey, MBLWHOI, and Erin Jerome, University of Massachusetts Amherst
What is Scholarly Communication? Scholarly Communication can be defined as “the system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use.” Association of Research Libraries http://www.arl.org/focus-areas/scholarly-communication#.WgH9dltSyM8 Term used to describe the ways that academics, researchers, scholars, and teachers share information, through publications and teaching http://www.arl.org/focus-areas/scholarly-communication#.WgH9dltSyM8
What do Scholarly Communication Departments typically handle? Institutional Repositories Open Access Researcher profiles Copyright assistance, permissions, and fair use Open Educational Resources http://www.library.umass.edu/locations/sc/
Institutional Repositories (IRs) Open Access digital repositories, often administered by university libraries, that promote and provide access to the scholarly material produced by that university’s students, faculty, and affiliated researchers Usually structured to mirror the institution’s own organization of colleges, centers, departments, etc. Available to all members of that institution’s academic community Indexed by major search engines Represents a way for an institution to organize and store its research in a single unified location Bullet point 3 - thinking beyond Green OA and faculty publications
The Changing Landscape of IRs Faculty and student scholarly articles Electronic theses and dissertations Retrospective digitization projects for alumni theses and dissertations Datasets Journals, conferences, and other open access monographs Showcase scholarship that has no other logical home Working papers, grey literature, open educational resources, festschrifts, etc. Serves as a place to permanently house...thinking beyond green OA
Supporting Open Access on campus Open Access Policies and Mandates Open Access Funds Tracking discount article processing charges (APCs) and publisher/journal open access voucher programs
Creative Commons, Author Rights, & Copyright We’ll help you negotiate your publishing contract so that you don’t sign away your copyright We can help you choose the Creative Commons license that’s best suited to your work Are you violating copyright or are you protected by fair use? We can help you figure that out, too!
Creative Commons Licenses https://creativecommons.org/
Open Educational Resources Teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. -William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Types of Open Educational Resources
Open Education Initiative http://www.library.umass.edu/services/teaching-and-learning/oer/open-education-initiative/
“RIM Metadata” by OCLC Research, from Research Information Management: Defining RIM and the Library’s Role (doi.org/10.25333/C3NK88), CC BY 4.0
“RIM Uses” by OCLC Research, from Research Information Management: Defining RIM and the Library’s Role (doi.org/10.25333/C3NK88), CC BY 4.0
Elements: a Research Information Management System An implemented or hosted system which supports the automated capture, linking and reporting on of research and teaching activities at your institution: •Person data •Research Outputs and Datasets •Grants •Professional & teaching activities •Equipment • & more…
Feed public facing faculty profiles for dissemination & discovery
Institutional repository connection
Repository engagement
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