A10 Organic Matter Test
A10 Background How do elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium get into the soil? Nutrients get into the soil by decomposing plants and animals. Plants need this organic matter to grow. In this activity you can test soil to find out how much organic matter it contains.
A10 Lab Safety Wear goggles. Be careful. Do not touch any chemicals. They may stain clothes and skin. Rinse off any chemicals that touch your skin or clothes with lots of water. Clean up all materials and your area. Wash your hands after the experiment.
A10 Organic Matter Data Table SOIL SAMPLE COLOR AFTER REACTION AMOUNT OF ORGANICS Soil A (Tube A) Soil B (Tube B) Control with water (Tube C)
A10 Lab: Read Before Doing Label tubes as A, B, and C Stand tubes in cups A, B, and C of the tray Record results on Data Table for tubes A, B, and C. For each tube write observations, final liquid color, and amount or organic matter. Use the 30 mL graduated cup to measure 10 mL of Soil A and pour it into Tube A. Use the 30 mL graduated cup to measure 10 mL of Soil B and pout it into Tube B.
A10 Lab: continued 6. Use the 50 mL graduated cylinder to measure and add 30 mL of water to each of the 3 tubes. 7. Add 5 mL of OM testing solution to each tube using the 50 mL graduated cylinder. 8. Cap each of the tubes with the correct cap. 9. Gently shake each of the tubes for 2 minutes. 10. Put tubes back in the tray and leave them sit for another 2 minutes. Observe any changes and record them in your table.
A10 Lab: continue 11. Put paper towel over each cap. Remove cap. 12. Using pipette remove 2 mL of liquid ONLY from Tube A and put it into cup A of the tray. 13. Rinse the pipette in a cup of water by placing the tip in the water and squeezing it a few times then squeeze out all water from the pipette. 14. Repeat steps 12 - 13 for Tubes B and C. Put Tube B liquid in cup B & Tube C liquid in cup C.
A10 Lab: Conclusion 15. Put the tray with the liquids on a piece of white paper. Compare the color in each cup to the Organic Matter Color Chart. 16. Record your results in the table. 17. Carefully pour all liquids into the bucket. Put all tubes, caps, and trays into the container. Clean your area and wash your hands.
A10 Summary (copy) Scientists describe soil based on its color and texture (how it feels). Soil can easily be tested for organic content by mixing it with water and OM Testing Solution, then shaking it and looking at its color change, or reaction. A control in an experiment helps you compare samples to show something has changed.
A10 Organic Analysis: Hr___Date_____ Name___________________________ Answer in 1 paragraph each… What was the purpose of Tube C with water? Which soil has more organic matter, A or B? Use evidence from the Lab. Do your test results explain why the school garden did not grow? Use Lab evidence.