Themes Temperance Nativism
Temperance Large social reform movement of the 19th century with the purpose of addressing the negatives caused by alcohol During the 1830’s consumption was incredibly high. Partially because it was culturally ingrained in many social customs of a variety of ethnic groups Large numbers of families are broken and men are losing jobs because they are too intoxicated or too sick from being intoxicated
Temperance American Temperance Society: Over 200,000 members in the late 1830’s Used church like revival meetings, large prayer sessions, and promoted their ideas in the areas of town where saloons operated The idea of Temperance begins in this era, and the battle of ‘drys’ and ‘wets’ will continue up until the end of the 1920’s Significance: Example of early social reform movement related to the Second Great Awakening. Allowed women to play a very active role.
Temperance -If you are doing a long essay or DBQ about the impact/role of women or concepts about social reform, bringing up the Temperance movement might be a good way to get a synthesis point or possibly a contextualization point -This movement spans over 100 years and will result in the passage of a new amendment to the Constitution and 14 years later in its repeal. Lots of things going on to talk about in a variety of contexts
Nativism Large numbers of German and Irish immigrants (mostly Catholic) have come to the US, and the Nativist Movement is born Condemned immigration and asserted the dominance of the Protestant faith Popular conspiracy theories about a foreign catholic threat appear in popular literature of the 1830’s Claimed Catholics would vote how the Pope commanded them and undermine republican/democratic institutions
Why Nativism? The Industrial Revolution in America led to high amounts of immigration Unemployment is high in some sectors of the economy, increasing competition for jobs between immigrants and native born Americans Where jobs were available, the immigrants were accused of driving down wages by working for cheaper pay Associated immigrants with alcohol, drunkenness, lawlessness, and crime
Nativism Mobs will attack and intimidate immigrants We see workplace violence where Protestant and Catholic co-workers get into violent conflicts Major conflicts over funding for Catholic schools starts Trade Unions are threatened by this divide Significance: America is heavily divided among social and cultural lines, despite its economic prosperity. Nativist Ideology is still very much alive today
Know-Nothing Part in the 1850’s Chinese exclusion Act in California Nativism The ideas of Nativism that emerges in this era is just the beginning of anti- immigrant sentiment Know-Nothing Part in the 1850’s Chinese exclusion Act in California KKK in the 1870’s to today