Julius Caesar
Characters Julius Caesar – wishes to be the Emperor of Rome and is a very successful military leader. (Easily flattered, overly ambitious, he dies, and later appears as a ghost to a few) Marcus Brutus – a judicial magistrate of Rome. (Conspires against Julius Caesar because he thinks Caesar will become a tyrant) Mark Anthony – is a triumvir = One of the leading bodies (an Emperor) in an Empire – after Caesar’s death. (speaks at Caesar’s funeral to cause a rebellion, and defeats Brutus and Cassius at Philippi)
Cassius – is Brutus’ brother-in-law Cassius – is Brutus’ brother-in-law. (Organizes the conspiracy against Caesar, recruits Brutus through manipulation, wants Mark Anthony killed too, and doesn’t want to fight at the battle of Philippi) Octavius – is Caesar’s adopted son and one of the triumvirs following Caesar’s death. (He and Anthony lead the battle against Brutus and Cassius) Casca – witnesses Caesar’s attempt to manipulate the people of Rome to gain the crown. (joins conspiracy night before the murder, and is the first to stab Caesar)
Calpurnia – Caesar’s wife (prophesizes Caesar’s death, and urges him to stay home the night of his murder) Portia - Brutus’s wife. (commits suicide when she believes Brutus is doomed) Soothsayer – warns Caesar, during the feast of Lupercal, to “beware the ides of March.” Flavius and Marullus – Tribunes who wish to protect the people from Caesar.
Cicero – a senator and famous orator of Rome Cicero – a senator and famous orator of Rome. (is put to death by the Triumvirs) Lepidus – he joins the triumvirate to rule after the assassination, but is weak and is used by Anthony. Decius – he is the conspirator who persuades Caesar to attend the Senate so that he can be assassinated.