Welcome Thanks for coming out Thanks to Wally Thiessen, David Ghan Pick up agenda, registration, feedback forms Eat lots Fill out forms Feedback from previous meetings Thanks to Wally Thiessen, David Ghan And especially Rupinder Dhillon ( pp Christy Hobley) Annual General Meeting … nominally SAS-funded but not run Need volunteers
Welcome NESUG Last year in Baltimore – lots of fun This year in Portland, Maine SHRUGBus www.nesug.org for details Email me if interested On with the show /*******************C o m m e n t s******************* Arthur S. Tabachneck, Ph.D. Manager Statistical Research and Development Vehicle Information Centre of Canada 240 Duncan Mill Road- Suite 700 Don Mills, Ontario M3B 1Z4 Phone: 416-445-1883 (Ext. 224) *************Explanation of Macro SETSPATH************ The SETSPATH macro identifies the most recently opened SAS file, and stores the file's path (excluding file name and extension) in the global variable PATH4SAS. NOTE: the macro appears to work regardless of whether the file was opened from within the SAS editor, or passed in by a Window's shortcut to SAS The file SASHELP.VEXTFL contains a history of all files that have been opened, with the variable XPATH containing the files' full pathnames (including path, filename and extension). The record with the highest value in the variable FILEREF is selected, and parsed, in order to set PATH4SAS to equal the desired path The Macro Setpath assumes that the file was either opened from within the SAS system editor, or passed into SAS by clicking on the file's icon from Window NT Explorer (outside of either by selecting FILE and then clicking on the most recent file, or by having clicked on the SAS FILE->OPEN menu options) The global variable path4sas is first initialized in order to avoid a system crash in the event that the macro fails **********End- Explanation of Macro SETSPATH********** ********************END of Comments*******************/ %global path4sas; %macro setspath; %let path4sas = 'C:\My Documents\My SAS Files\V8'; data srt999; set sashelp.vextfl; if ( substr ( fileref, 1, 3 ) = "#LN" and upcase ( substr ( reverse ( trim ( left ( xpath ) ) ), 1, 3 ) ) = "SAS" and upcase ( substr ( reverse ( trim ( left ( xpath ) ) ), 5, 8 ) ) ^= "SAS4HTAP" ); run; proc sort data=srt999; by descending fileref; data _null_; set srt999 ( obs = 1 ); a = reverse ( trim ( left ( xpath ) ) ); b = '\'; c = index ( a, b ); path4sas = reverse ( substr ( reverse ( trim ( left ( xpath ) ) ), c ) ); call symput ( 'path4sas', trim ( left ( lowcase ( path4sas ) ) ) ); %mend setspath ; %setspath