The clock is ticking! In pairs, you have 2 minutes to write down as many words or studies associated with obedience and agency theory as you can. Use popplet to create a brainmap
How confident are you that you could elaborate key features of agency theory?
Time is up! Now get together with the pair opposite, put all your words together (removing any that are the same) sort your words from most to least confident with regard to using this word/study effectively in your written work. Write down the one which you are least confident on; by the end of the lesson you should have made an effort to improve your understanding of this word/study.
Learning Objective: Describe Agency Theory as an explanation of Obedience (Milgram, 1974). You will be able to... solve anagrams for key terms associated with agency theory using a selection of short clues complete a gap fill to develop ability to use terms effectively in detailed description You will be able to... Sort real life and research examples into those that illustrate agentic state and those that illustrate autonomous state You will be able to... Write a detailed 5 mark description of agency theory Review confidence in ability to write this response Peer/self assess the response
Learning Objective: Describe Agency Theory as an explanation of Obedience (Milgram, 1974). You will be able to... solve anagrams for key terms associated with agency theory using a selection of short clues complete a gap fill to develop ability to use terms effectively in detailed description You will be able to... Sort real life and research examples into those that illustrate agentic state and those that illustrate autonomous state You will be able to... Write a detailed 5 mark description of agency theory Review confidence in ability to write this response Peer/self assess the response
Learning Objective: Evaluate Agency Theory as an explanation of Obedience (Milgram, 1974); You will be able to... Use findings from Milgram (1963) to support agency theory Demonstrate how Agency theory is useful in that it successfully explains one real life example You will be able to... Use findings from at least one more study and make comparative statements showing that although Milgram(1963) has its weaknesses a variety of other studies also support agency theory Demonstrate how agency theory fails to account for some research findings, such as why some people are better equipped than other to resist obedience You will be able to... Use findings from a wide range of studies and compare the evidence with regard to methodological strengths and weaknesses Use an alternative theory to explain why people differ in their ability to resist orders (Authoritarian personality theory) Show how agency theory fails to explain why some authority figures command more obedience than others and link to social power and charismatic leadership theory)
To what extent is agency theory supported by research that can be considered generalisable?
To what extent can agency theory be said to be supported by research which is ecologically valid?
To what extent can agency theory be said to be explain events in every day life?
How confident are you that you could name at least one alternative theory of obedience?
How confident are you that you could make a link between the work you have done on cultural differences and the evolutionary aspect of agency theory??
Learning Objective: Describe Social Impact Theory as an explanation of Obedience (Latane, 1981, 1996). You will be able to... Create your own examples of social impact Identify key terms associated with social impact theory outline You will be able to... Sort real life and research examples into those that illustrate agentic state and those that illustrate autonomous state You will be able to... Write a detailed 5 mark description of agency theory Review confidence in ability to write this response Peer/self assess the response