Changes to the Earth’s surface Weathering Erosion Breaks down rocks into smaller pieces 2 types FRAPA LOWCA Removes the rock particles WWGM
Mechanical Weathering (FRAPA) Erosion Mechanical Weathering (FRAPA) Freezing & Thawing Release of pressure Animal Actions Plant Growth Abrasion Chemical Weathering (LOWCA) Living Organisms Oxygen Water Carbon Dioxide Acid Rain Examples F R A P A L O W C A
Erosion moves rock particles Sediment = rock particles Deposition = when sediment is laid down/deposited from erosion Deposition Landform Weathering Sediment Erosion Deposition
Erosion moves rock particles Sediment = rock particles Deposition = when sediment is laid down/deposited from erosion Examples: WWGM – “What would G-ma make?” Wind Water (runoff, rivers, waves) Glaciers Mass Movement (landslides, mudflows, slumps and creeps)
Wind Erosion – wind carrying sediment
Water Erosion – waves, rivers, streams, waterfalls wave erosion
Glaciers glaciers
Mass Movement Examples - gravity Mudslide Landslide Creeps & Slumps Avalanches US
Landform Weathering Sediment Erosion Deposition