Unit 1 Vocabulary Describing friends
What’re your characteristics? I was born on __________ . My star sign is __________. It says that I ________________. In fact, I ____________________ . Then try to describe a person you know (friends, parents…)
How to describe these events/people? stubborn, elegant, businesslike a good sense of humor, peace Sandy never changes her mind when we discuss something, although she knows she is wrong. Simon is very gentle. He always lets girls go first. Kitty loves classic music. She likes its lightness and hates noisy rock music. Daniel always make us happy because he is very good at telling jokes. Millie always prepare for her works according to the timetable she made. Please finish Part B on text book.
Do you remember? im friendly ir polite in like dis regular un correct Can you say more adjectives like these? Do Part a on text book.