3D Imaging Research Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School 3D Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) in Radiology Hiro Yoshida, PhD
Computer-Aided Diagnosis Image acquisition CAD processing Diagnosis ComputersScanners (CT, MR, US,…) Readers
CAD provides human readers with location (and characterization) of potential lesions final diagnostic decision is made by the reader Computer-Aided Diagnosis Look here ! !!
Improve diagnostic performance increase sensitivity and specificity decrease inter- and intra-reader variability Improve productivity read more cases without significantly increasing interpretation time Improve patient management provide patients with exams options provide physicians with decision support Expected Benefits of CAD
CAD Image acquisition Diagnosis Segmentation & Quantification Recognition & Modeling Visualization Decision support
MDCT Scanner Real-time diagnosis Feedback diagnostic results while a patient is on the scanner table. Determine whether the patient requires further scanning or to be sent to the OC. High-throughput Medicine with CAD Scanned images Fiber channel