Presented at Human Development Policy Seminar Jakarta, 13 October 2009 DR. Ir. FADEL MUHAMMAD Governor of Gorontalo UTILISING HDI FOR THE POVERTY REDUCTION PROGRAM_ DRAWING ON GORONTALOS EXPERIENCE
Improvement of government management Resources Allocation: Effective, Efficient, Economic, and Relevant Output Relevant to felt needs Synergic to national program Action performance Program on accelerating poverty reduction Achievement performance Improvement of HDI Focused policy 1.Education development 2.Health development 3.Local economic development Logical framework of poverty alleviation in Gorontalo Province PARTICIPATION AND PARTNERSHIP Sectoral agencies Chronic poverty/ Structural Poverty due to economic reason Social agency. Community welfare Bureau, etc
Structural transformation in poverty in Gorontalo Province Middle level Project Based Program Based TRANSFORMATION Criteria: Economy (income, etc) Education (illiterate, school enrolment etc) Health (life expectancy, etc) AWARENESS EMPOWERMENT CAPACITY Middle to lower level Middle to upper level Middle to lower level Middle to upper level
The Significance of HDI as a planning tool Global commitment such as MDGs is not adequately articulated to local planning Performance indicators have been based on the success program implementation (action performance) rather than on the results (achievement performance) Poor prioritization mechanism in local planning and budgeting in reference to Law 32/2004 (money follows function) Regional development indicators (RPJMD) does not meet national development indicators (RPJMN) The real household condition has not optimally accommodated in local planning Challenges in regional development regarding poverty and HDI (Gorontalo experience)
What has been done…? Focus on 15 lower-HDI sub districts as the main locus1.PATILANGGIO2.ATINGGOLA 3.TALUDITI 4.WONOSARI 5.MOOTILANGO 6.PULUBALA 7. TELAGA BIRU 8.PAGUAT 9.BOLIYOHUTO 10.TOLINGGULA 11.TIBAWA 12.TAPA 13.ANGGREK 14.BOTUMOITO 15.KWANDANG Provincial HDI performance Poverty National Province
Forum SKPD Provinsi Musrenbang Kab/Kota Musrenbang Kecamatan Musrenbang Desa/Kelurahan JANUARIFEBRUARIMARETMEI PEMERINTAH PUSAT PEMERINTAH DAERAH Penyusunan Renja SKPD Provinsi Penyusunan RKPD Kabupaten/Kota Penyusunan Renja SKPD Kabupaten/Kota Penyusunan RKPD Provinsi B U L A N Pasca Musrenbang Kab/Kota RKPD Penyusunan RKP Musrenbang Pusat Musrenbang Nasional RKP Musrenbang Provinsi RKPD Pasca Musren Provinsi Forum SKPD Kabupaten/Kota Renja SKPD Renja SKPD Renja K/L JaringAsmara HDI indicators (placing priority) Steps: Introducing HDI indicators to development planning process (MUSRENBANG)
7 Mon Ev Implementasi Imple-mentasi Evaluasi Kinerja GAMBARAN UMUM DAERAH 1.Kondisi Geografis;Kondisi Geografis; 2.Perekonomian Daerah;Perekonomian Daerah; 3.Sosial Budaya Daerah;Sosial Budaya Daerah; 4.Prasarana & Sarana Daerah;Prasarana & Sarana Daerah; 5.Pemerintahan Umum.Pemerintahan Umum. GAMBARAN UMUM DAERAH 1.Kondisi Geografis;Kondisi Geografis; 2.Perekonomian Daerah;Perekonomian Daerah; 3.Sosial Budaya Daerah;Sosial Budaya Daerah; 4.Prasarana & Sarana Daerah;Prasarana & Sarana Daerah; 5.Pemerintahan Umum.Pemerintahan Umum. Sesuai?Tidak? Feedback Peluang /Ancaman Liberalisasi; Reformasi; Desentralisasi; Deregulasi & Debirokratisasi; Perkembangan Nasional & Internasional Lainnya LINGKUNGAN EKSTERNAL: AZAS, NORMA, PRINSIP BANGUN KOMITMEN & KESEPAKATAN STAKEHOLDERS Kondisi Umum Daerah; Permasalahan; Capaian Keberhasilan Prediksi SWOT PERATURAN & PERUNDANG 2 AN YG BERLAKU BATASAN KEWENANGAN Kekuatan /Kelemahan LINGKUNGAN INTERNAL: ARAH KEBIJAKAN VISI Komponen Perencanaan STRATEGI RPJP Nasional Internalising HDI in Development planning indicator MISI PROGRAM Aspirasi Masyarakat: 1.Kuesioner;Kuesioner; 2.Wawacara;Wawacara; 3.Survei.Survei. Aspirasi Masyarakat: 1.Kuesioner;Kuesioner; 2.Wawacara;Wawacara; 3.Survei.Survei. KEGIATAN RUTR HDI Placing HDI Indicator as the strategy
Encourage HDI-based development planning at district level Budgeting policy (at least 30% allocated to 15 sub districts) Verification and Monitoring/Evaluation on the implementation Memorandum of Understanding on Poverty Alleviation (signed by Governor and Bupati/Walikota) Review on implementation progress of poverty alleviation program (in collaboration with BPKP) Adopt micro finance mechanism (Grameen Banks experience) Optimizing the steps …. (1)
Establish BOARD FOR COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT AND POVERTY ALLEVIATION which has function to harmonize efforts in poverty alleviation and to facilitate and coordinate program/activity in poverty alleviation Adopt Supporting Documents: Gorontalo Provinces Poverty Alleviation Master plan (2008) Management Information System on Poverty Alleviation (2008) Gorontalo Human Development Report (2008) Gorontalo Public Expenditure Analysis (2008) Gorontalo Millennium Development Goals (2007) Optimizing the steps …. (2)
REWARDS Award for Indonesian Human Development Initiative (2007) MERETAS KETERTINGGALAN AWARD (2008) Thank You