Public opinion on women’s health and preventive care Poll findings from 2017 Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Polls
Awareness and Support for Some Women’s Health and Preventive Care Provisions in the ACA Percent of the public who… … are aware each of the following is included in the Affordable Care Act: … say it is very important that each of the following is kept in place: SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted March 6-12, 2017)
89% of the public originally support the ACA’s requirement that private health plans must include maternity care coverage 93% of the public support the requirement after those who originally opposed hear that without it, policies that include maternity care would become very expensive SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted March 6-12, 2017)
10% of the public originally oppose the ACA’s requirement that all private health plans must include maternity care coverage 31% of the public oppose the requirement after those who initially supported hear it means some have to pay for benefits they do not use SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted March 6-12, 2017)
of Americans support the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that, with the exception of certain religious objections, Private Health Insurance Plans Cover the Full Cost of Birth Control SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted March 6-12, 2017)
… 42% say the woman herself should pay for this coverage If a woman works for a company that does not pay for birth control coverage due to an employer’s religious objections… … 42% say the woman herself should pay for this coverage … 39% say the insurance company should pay for this coverage … 15% say the government should pay for this coverage SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted March 6-12, 2017)
Republicans less likely to say it is very important that the federal government funds reproductive health services for lower-income women. Among Women Among Men SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted March 6-12, 2017)
That’s 94% of female Democrats 78% of women say federal Medicaid payments to Planned Parenthood for non-abortion services should continue. That’s 94% of female Democrats 84% of female independents 54% of female Republicans and 89% of women who have used Planned Parenthood SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted April 17-23, 2017)
One-third of Americans are aware of ban on federal funds for abortions Among Women Among Men SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted March 6-12, 2017)
73% say the federal government should continue paying Planned Parenthood for services received by people with Medicaid SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted April 17-23, 2017)
24% say all federal payments to Planned Parenthood should be stopped That includes 10% who say it is important enough that it would be worth shutting down the federal government to achieve SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted April 17-23, 2017)
say Medicaid should continue paying after those who originally oppose federal funding hear that cutting payments would make it difficult for lower-income women to access certain health services SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted March 6-12, 2017)
say Medicaid should stop paying after those who originally want funding to continue hear that the organization does provide and refer women for abortions SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted March 6-12, 2017)