Internet law Business law
Internet law Internet law is very new There is no specific internet law that applies The SA Constitution and our laws apply The nature of the internet makes it very difficult to enforce a particular law The fact that it is difficult to enforce does not mean that the laws do not apply
Domains The domain name is very important as it plays multiple roles The public address for e-mail and website The starting point for an internet search The symbol for recognition of a company, product or service
Domains Three levels to a domain name The company name – eg: coke Top level domain – eg: com or co or ac – indicates type of institution The second level domain – geographic indicator – eg: za or uk or de
E-mail policy – official use The approved social media sites may only be used for official purposes. Postings must be kept legal, ethical and respectful. Employees may not engage in online communication activities which could bring the company into disrepute. Confidential information may not be disclosed. Copyright laws must be adhered to. Only the official approved logo of the company may be used. The information that is published must be accurate and not confidential. Statements to the media must first be approved by the employer. Source: using-social-media-for-non-business-purposes, accessed 13 March 2015
Some guidelines relating to e-mail policies
Corporate use of internet & email Remember, employer is allowed to monitor employee use of company network & company hardware Employer should respect privacy of employees however Employee should ensure they do nothing to break relationship of trust with the employer Social media – eg Facebook posts can easily break the trust relationship Employers should draft email, social media & internet policies
E-Mail policy – personal use Be clear on the use of company equipment or access to such sites and when this may be done. Remind employees that internet and email communication may be monitored and intercepted as per the electronic communications policy of the employer. Company information must be kept confidential. The company name or logo may not be used on private profiles. Colleagues, managers or information pertaining to the company may not be discussed on such platforms. Employees must be advised to block access to their profiles for other users that they do not know. The code of conduct of the company must be respected and considered as the guiding rule. Explain the consequences of failing to adhere to the social media policy of the company.