PES OBJECTIVES To evaluate the coverage as well as content errors of the 2006 population and housing census.
PLANNING AND CONDUCTING National Statistics Office (BOS) planned and conducted the PES. No independent organization was involved. PES team was made up of six members, who were never involved in census planning. PES funding was part of census programme. Funding was adequate.
RECRUITMENT Enumerators were recruited from 2006 population census constituency supervisors. Best performers during population census were recruited.
TRAINING 3 Days for Enumerators 5 Days for Supervisors
PES SAMPLING DESIGN One stage stratified cluster sample design Lesotho stratified by Urban and Rural. 2006 Census enumeration areas were the primary sampling units (PSUs). All households in the selected E.As were enumerated. 224 E.As was the sample size of the first stage units.
ANALYSIS DOMAINS National Rural Urban
PES INDEPENDENCY Selected supervisors and enumerators were in different districts from the ones in which they were working during census data collection.
MATCHING Was done manually Matching rules documented Field reconciliation followed the matching exercise.
COVERAGE MEASURES Coverage rate Net coverage rate
CONTENT ANALYSIS Rate of Agreement Gross Error Rate Net Difference Rate Index of Inconsistency
PES REPORT Report not ready but the draft report is available. 3 years to release PES analytical report PES results were never used to adjust the census figures.
LESSONS LEARNT Independence between PES and Census is essential Gained some knowledge and experience in planning the survey, designing the sample, developing the questionnaire, matching procedures, reconciliation process, up to report writing.
CENSUS OF 2010 ROUND Our next census date is on 01 April 2016 and PES May 2016 Objectives of 2016 PES will be; To quantitatively evaluate accuracy of the census in terms of coverage and content error at national, rural and urban strata. To provide concrete statistical basis for adjustment of census data
CENSUS OF THE 2010 ROUND (CONT.) To provide information on sources and causes of errors To evaluate quality of Enumeration Areas as sampling units for the future intercensal household based surveys