Articles of Confederation
WE WON!!! NOW WHAT? Now that the revolution is over what has to be done next? What problems will have to be solved?
united States of America States First State citizenship; not Country citizenship States become “individual countries” Reluctant of a strong central government Republic A government ruled by representatives chosen by the people Each state was represented in the Continental Congress by 1 vote
Second Continental Congress When: June 1776 – 1781 Accomplishments: Steered the Colonists through the War Drafting the Articles of Confederation Land Ordinance of 1785 Northwest Land Ordinance of 1787 Members: John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Dickinson
Articles of Confederation Weaknesses of the Articles Gov’t couldn’t create taxes Gov’t couldn’t regulate trade Each State had only 1 vote in Congress 2/3rds Majority was needed to pass laws Amendments on laws need full approval No executive branch to enforce the laws No judicial branch to settle disputes 13 separate states that lacked national unity
Shays’ Rebellion Massachusetts Post-Revolution Poor economy Farmers unable to pay debts Debtors thrown in jail Farms being auctioned off If lost land . . . also lost right to vote
Shays’ Rebels Called “Shaysites” or “Regulators” Led by Daniel Shays Poor farmers, many ex-war vets Decide to close down debtor courts Aug 29th 1786 to Jan. 1787 Eventually rebellion put down
Aftermath Rebellion showed just how weak the national gov’t was!!! Realized Articles of Confederation needed to be amended Caused the Constitutional Congress to meet (1787) Eventually Art. Of Confed. scrapped and the Constitution is adopted
Shays’ Rebellion and the Articles of Confederation Use the Matrix for Analyzing Features of the Articles of Confederation to determine which Features Shays’ Rebellion exploited. What is the final result of the rebellion? Why was this such a crucial event in the development of the United States?