Muslim Achievement: Cultural Contributions Copyright © Clara Kim 2007. All rights reserved. Muslim Architecture Cultural Blending Minarets It is in _________________ that the ___________ __________ __________ can be seen Already __________ buildings were __________ by __________ Ideals Islamic Features: Multi-lobed ______________ arches __________ ______________ Large ________________ __________ built from where __________ are called to ____________ 5 times a day Mosaics ______________ created using tiny pieces of __________ glass __________ Muslims use __________ to create ______________ __________________ on ____________
Arabic Alphabet Calligraphy Universities Art of beautiful ____________ In Islam, showing __________ things in _______ was not ____________ So ____________ turned to calligraphy to ____________ themselves. Turn to page 247 in books ____________ was ________ used to ____________ the ____________ of the ____________ (The Holy Book of __________) Written from ____________ to ____________ Made up of _____ letters Muhammad ____________ believed in the ________ of ____________ This led to ____________of places of learning by ________ Leaders Qualified ____________ = treat the sick Mathematicians and Astronomers = ____________ times for _________