Introduction to Design Briefs Principles Of Engineering™ Introduction to Design Briefs The engineer will often return to the design brief throughout the design process in order to gauge the progress and validity of the creative work. The design brief serves as an agreement between the client and the engineer. Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2008
Introduction to Design Briefs Principles Of Engineering™ Parts of a Design Brief The client is usually a person, company, organization, or target consumer group whose problem or need requires the talents of an engineer/designer to develop a physical solution (electrical, mechanical, structural, software, etc). Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2008
Introduction to Design Briefs Principles Of Engineering™ Parts of a Design Brief The designer is the creative problem-solver. Engineers are only one type of designer. They perform engineering design - the application of math, science, and engineering principles to the creation and development of systems components and processes. Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2008
Introduction to Design Briefs Principles Of Engineering™ Parts of a Design Brief The problem statement clearly and concisely identifies the problem. **A problem statement must never imply or state a solution. The solution is not the problem. Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2008
Example of a Good Problem Statement Introduction to Design Briefs Principles Of Engineering™ Example of a Good Problem Statement My school locker is a mess. I can never find a pen, pencil, or calculator. My homework is always getting lost; my lunch gets crushed under a sea of books and binders. Because of the clutter, it is hard to close my locker door completely. The problem statement clearly and concisely identifies the problem. **A problem statement must never imply or state a solution. The solution is not the problem. Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2008
Example of a Poor Problem Statement Introduction to Design Briefs Principles Of Engineering™ Example of a Poor Problem Statement My locker needs a Lockermate™ so that I can get my locker more organized. Note: In this case, a Lockermate™ is a fictitious brand name of an already-existing solution to the problem. Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2008
Introduction to Design Briefs Principles Of Engineering™ Parts of a Design Brief The design statement challenges the engineer to take action to address the need and to solve the problem. It must specify the degree to which the engineer will carry out the solution. The design statement may also contain an underlying theme or very important constraint. Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2008
Example of a Good Design Statement Introduction to Design Briefs Principles Of Engineering™ Example of a Good Design Statement Design, model, and test a high school locker organization system that will neatly contain items commonly used and kept at school. A good design statement should not unintentionally bias the engineer’s creative thought process by using terminology that suggests an already existing solution. Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2008
Example of a Poor Design Statement Introduction to Design Briefs Principles Of Engineering™ Example of a Poor Design Statement Design a Lockermate™ for a high school locker. Note: Redesigning a Lockermate™ is not the purpose of the activity. The word Lockermate™ may serve to bias the designer and narrow his/her creativity. Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2008
Introduction to Design Briefs Principles Of Engineering™ Parts of a Design Brief Giving an engineer an unlimited amount of time and money to complete a job is impractical. Limitations must be imposed. Constraints can be thought of as guidelines that must be followed or rules that must not be broken. Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2008
Examples of Constraints Introduction to Design Briefs Principles Of Engineering™ Examples of Constraints Time Budget Established Codes Materials & Manufacturing Processes Physical Attributes (size, weight, color, etc.) Safety Aesthetics Often, new constraints are discovered that were not obvious in the beginning stages of the design process. Because constraints are given in list form, they may be added as the design process plays itself out. Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2008
Introduction to Design Briefs Principles Of Engineering™ Parts of a Design Brief The deliverables are typically assigned by the teacher for gradable moments. Suggested deliverables have been provided in the Teacher Notes for each lesson. Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2008