FERTILITY Dr. K. Sivapalan. 12/3/2018 topic
Fertility Actual bearing of children- natality Woman's reproductive period is 15 to 49 years Risk of pregnancy is for 35 years. May give birth to 15 children. 12/3/2018 topic
Factors that affect fertility Age at marriage- postponing from 16 to 21 reduces birth by 20-30 percent. Duration of married life- 25 percent of births within 5 years and 50 percent between 5 to 15 years of marriage. Almost no birth after 25 years Spacing of children Education of mother- inversely proportional Economic status- inverse relationship. [considered as best contraceptive method] 12/3/2018 topic
Factors that affect fertility Cast and religion- Muslims have higher fertility than Hindus. Christians lowest. Lower cast higher fertility. Nutrition- inverse relationship. [? The effect is indirect ] Family planning Physical Biological 12/3/2018 topic
Social and Cultural Factors That Affect Fertility place of woman in society widow marriage breast feeding Customs and beliefs industrialization and urbanization health conditions housing opportunities for woman local community involvement. 12/3/2018 topic
Fertility Rates Birth Rate- The number of live births per 1000 estimated mid year population in a given year. This is unsatisfactory because the total population is not exposed to childbearing. General fertility rate [GFR]- Number of live births per 1000 women in the reproductive age group [15 to 49] in a given year. General marital fertility rate[ GMFR]- Number of live births per 1000 married women in the reproductive age group [15 to 49] in a given year. 12/3/2018 topic
Fertility Rates Age specific fertility rate- Number of live births in a year to 1000 woman in a specific age group. This can throw light on fertility pattern and effectiveness of fertility control measures. Age specific marital fertility rate- Number of live births in a year to 1000 married woman in a specific age group. Total fertility rate- It is computed by summing up the age specific fertility rates. This gives the approximate magnitude of 'completed family size‘ Total marital fertility rate- Average number of children that would be born to a married woman if she experiences the current fertility pattern throughout her reproductive span. 12/3/2018 topic
Fertility Rates Gross Reproduction Rate [GPR]- Average number of girls that would be born to a woman if she experiences the current fertility pattern throughout her reproductive span. Net Reproduction Rate [NRR]- It is the number of daughters a newborn girl will bear during her life time assuming fixed age-specific fertility and mortality rates. It is demographic indicator. A value of 1 is equivalent to 2 child norm. 12/3/2018 topic
Other Rates Pregnancy rate- Number of pregnancies in a year to married woman in the ages of 15-49 years, including live births, still births and abortions and not terminated in the year. Abortion rate- Number of all type of abortions per 1000 women of child bearing age Abortion ratio- Abortions in a year divided by the number of live births in the year. Marriage rate- number of marriages in the year per 1000 population 12/3/2018 topic