Procurement Plan and Procedures Code of Standards of Conduct Below the Small Purchase Threshold (least restrictive) Above the Small Purchase Threshold (most restrictive) Micro-purchase threshold (< $3,500) Informal Formal Develop solicitation documents (IFB,RFP)(specifications, estimated quantities, terms/conditions/provisions) Develop solicitation documents (includes: specifications, estimated quantities, terms, conditions & provisions) Code of Standards of Conduct This flow chart is intended to show components of a procurement plan and how all of the procurement procedures work together. Take a minute to study how the procurement process flows from the plan. Planning involves: forecasting, or estimating the value of the purchase and the available revenues for payment. Once the value and revenues are estimated, the procurement method to use can be determined: “informal” (below the most restrictive small purchase threshold) or “formal” above the most restrictive small purchase threshold. Both methods require full and open competition, solicitation documents with specifications, quantities, terms, and conditions, etc. However, the formal method involves a more extensive process. Once the method is determined and the documentation is developed, both solicit procedures will result in competitive prices. Once prices are obtained, the bids are evaluated to determine award, again a process that is more extensive in formal procurements. Once the evaluation and award process is complete, the purchase must be evaluated to determine compliance before authorizing payment from the NPFSA. The entire process is connected to the code of Standards of conduct to ensure fairness and integrity in every purchase to ensure those Principles of a Good Procurement are followed: Remember those principles: Full and open competition, Fairness and integrity, Responsive and Responsible Contractors, Transparency, and Planning and forecasting. Therefore, the components of a procurement plan are not new, only the flowchart is new. Let’s take each of these components and look more closely. Publicly publish solicitation Advertise, obtain & document quotes Evaluate & Award Fixed price or cost-reimbursable contract Evaluate & Award Contract Administration/Performance Management Process