Chapter 6: Forecasting/Prediction First Note That: Forecasting is Extrapolating NOTE: Some slides have blank sections. They are based on a teaching style in which the corresponding blank (derivations, theorem proofs, examples, …) are worked out in class on the board or overhead projector.
Predict the price of a car that weighs 3500 lbs. STAT 1301 Example Predict the price of a car that weighs 3500 lbs. - extrapolation would say it’s about $16,000
oops!!! Predict the price of a car that weighs 3500 lbs. STAT 1301 Example Predict the price of a car that weighs 3500 lbs. oops!!! - extrapolation would say it’s about $16,000
Note: Forecasting is Extrapolating Lesson from regression analysis and 1301 example? - Don’t do it However, it’s not very important to - “predict” the sunspot number for 2012 - “predict” sales for the previous quarter - ...
Deterministic Signal-plus-Noise Models Example Signals: , C constant
Recall -- sometimes it’s not easy to tell whether a deterministic signal is present in the data Is there a deterministic signal?
Realizations - is there a deterministic signal? Recall - Sometimes it’s not easy to tell whether a deterministic signal is present in the data. Global Temperature Data
How would you predict/forecast into the future? - depends on the model Global Temperature Data
Now which forecast do you prefer? Suppose I told you this is a Realization from the model Other Realizations Now which forecast do you prefer?
Forecasting Setting in this Chapter Forecast future behavior of a time series given a finite realization of its past. The use of ARMA models for this purpose has become popular in recent years. ARMA Forecasting Vs. Curve Fitting Curve fitting (regression): Underlying assumption that future behavior follows some deterministic path with only random fluctuations ARMA Forecasting: Underlying assumption is that the future is guided only by its correlation to the past
Problem: Notation: “Best Predictor”: Mean Square Sense
Prediction Background Theorem 6.1: for any random variable h(X) such that E[h(X)2] < - i.e. E[Y|X] minimizes mean square error between Y and square integrable random variables that are functions of X - proved in Probability Theory
Notes: We restrict our attention to “linear predictors” i.e. we are looking for a predictor of the form
Theorem 6.2: (Projection Theorem) If X t is a stationary time series, then is the best linear predictor of (has minimum mean square error among linear predictors) if and only if Proof:
Notes: 3. We let denote the best linear predictor 4. Denote coefficients of by i.e.
Theorem 6.3: (proof – HW) If Xt is a stationary process with autocovariance function gk , then are the solutions to the system
Note 5: The typical application of these results is the case t0 = n = realization length. This results in a “large” system of equations to solve.
Box-Jenkins Approach * Assumes: In this setting: Xt is stationary/invertible ARMA * In this setting: - best predictor, , is easily obtained - results in “natural approximations” in practice - for “moderately” large t0 , results are very similar to - approach we will use in tswge
Result : (Section 6.2)
- may be difficult to obtain Review: - may be difficult to obtain - Theorem 6.2 (Projection Theorem)
Note: Best forecast is LINEAR (Stationary and invertible ARMA, m = 0) Best Forecast is Note: Best forecast is LINEAR - but it is not in a form for calculation
Note: Using - step ahead forecast error Nonzero Mean
Forecasting Based on the Difference Equation Suppose Xt is ARMA(p,q), i.e. j(B)X t = q(B)a t
Non-Zero Mean Form
Note: its known values as of time t0 or (2) its forecast from t0
Forecasts using the difference equation are more easily used for calculating than those from GLP. However – there are still problems in implementation. Practical Situation (a) only have been observed (b) model has been estimated (c) m is unknown (d) ak ‘s are unknown
In Practice: We use difference equation form with the following modifications: The estimated model is assumed to be the true model (ii) m is estimated by (iii) a k’s are estimated from the data
Basic Formula for Calculating Forecasts from Difference Equation
Example 6.1: AR(1) (1 -.8B)(X t - 25) = a t X 1, ... , X 80 observed
Example 6.2: (1-1.2B+ .6B2)(Xt – m) = (1-.5B)at Calculate Forecasts:
Example 6. 2: Xt , t = 1,2,…,25 from (1-1. 2B+. 6B2)(Xt – 50) = (1- Example 6.2: Xt , t = 1,2,…,25 from (1-1.2B+ .6B2)(Xt – 50) = (1-.5B)at t Xt 1 49.49 0.00 14 50.00 -.42 2 51.14 15 49.70 -.61 3 49.97 -1.72 16 51.73 1.77 4 49.74 17 51.88 .49 5 50.35 .42 18 50.58 -.11 6 49.57 -.81 19 48.78 -1.22 7 50.39 .70 20 49.14 .51 8 51.04 .65 21 48.10 -1.36 9 49.93 -.78 22 49.52 .59 10 49.78 .08 23 50.06 -.23 11 48.37 -1.38 24 50.66 .17 12 48.85 -.03 25 52.05 1.36 13 49.85 .22
Example 6.2: Calculate Forecasts
Eventual Forecast Function Recall:
Eventual Forecast Function
Example 6.1 (cont.) Forecasts using the AR(1) Model What should forecasts look like? - like rk for AR(1) - damped exponential C1(.8) k
Example 6.1 (cont.) Forecasts using the AR(1) Model What should forecasts look like? - like rk for AR(1) - damped exponential C1(.8) k
Example 6.2 (cont) Forecasts using the ARMA(2,1) Model
Basic Formula for Calculating Forecasts from Difference Equation
Probability Limits for Forecasts Recall:
Note: If the white noise is normal, then
100(1-a)% Probability Limits for Forecasts Theorem 2.3 Notes: p
Example 6.2: (cont.) psi.weights.wge l Forecast Half-width 1 51.40 1.70 2 50.46 2.07 3 49.73 2.11 4 49.42 2.12
Example 6.2 Forecasts with 95% Prediction Limits
tswge demo To forecast from a stationary ARMA model use fore.arma.wge(x,phi,theta,n.ahead,lastn=FALSE,plot=TRUE,limits=TRUE) Example 6.1 Forecasts using the AR(1) Model data(fig6.1nf) fore.arma.wge(fig6.1nf,phi=.8,n.ahead=20, lastn=FALSE,plot=TRUE,limits=FALSE) fore.arma.wge(fig6.1nf,phi=.8,n.ahead=20, lastn=FALSE,plot=TRUE,limits=TRUE) fore.arma.wge(fig6.1nf,phi=.8,n.ahead=20, lastn=TRUE,plot=TRUE,limits=FALSE)
tswge demo - continued Example 6.2 Forecasts using the ARMA(2,1) Model data(fig6.2nf) fore.arma.wge(fig6.2nf,phi=c(1.2,-.6), theta=.5, n.ahead=20,lastn=FALSE,plot=TRUE,limits=FALSE) fore.arma.wge(fig6.2nf,phi=c(1.2,-.6), theta=.5, n.ahead=20,lastn=FALSE,plot=TRUE,limits=TRUE)
Forecasting with ARUMA Models * Formally, as in the stationary case
Notes: (1) Consider as limit of stationary models *
Example 6.3:
Example 6.3:
Example 6.4:
Note: Forecasts follow a line determined by the last 2 data values Example 6.5: Note: Forecasts follow a line determined by the last 2 data values In General: Forecasts follow a polynomial of degree d - 1 that passes through the last d time points.
tswge demo (1-.8B)(1-B)Xt = at (1-B)2 Xt = at fore.aruma.wge(x,phi,theta,d,s,lambda,n.ahead, lastn=FALSE,plot=TRUE,limits=TRUE) Example 6.4 Forecasts using the ARUMA(1,1,0) Model (1-.8B)(1-B)Xt = at x=gen.aruma.wge(n=200,phi=.8,d=1) fore.aruma.wge(x,phi=.8,d=1,n.ahead=20,lastn=FALSE,plot=TRUE,limits=TRUE) Example 6.5 Forecasts using the ARUMA(0,2,0) Model (1-B)2 Xt = at x=gen.aruma.wge(n=50,d=2) fore.aruma.wge(x,d=2,n.ahead=20,lastn=FALSE, plot=TRUE,limits=TRUE)
Example 6.6: Seasonal Model Forecasts: - i.e. forecasts are an exact replica of the last s values
More general seasonal model forecasts follow general pattern of last s points, but not an exact replica “finer detail” incorporated through j (B) and q (B)
tswge demo fore.aruma.wge(x,phi,theta,d,s,lambda,n.ahead, lastn=FALSE,plot=TRUE,limits=TRUE) Forecasts from the pure seasonal model (1-B 4)Xt = at x=gen.aruma.wge(n=20,s=4) fore.aruma.wge(x,s=4,n.ahead=8,lastn=FALSE,plot=TRUE, limits=FALSE) # fore.aruma.wge(x,s=4,n.ahead=8,lastn=TRUE,plot=TRUE, limits=FALSE) Example 6.5 Forecasts using seasonal model (1-.8B)(1-B 4)Xt = at x=gen.aruma.wge(n=20,phi=.9,s=4) fore.aruma.wge(x,phi=.9,s=4,n.ahead=8,lastn=FALSE, plot=TRUE,limits=FALSE) Also lastn=TRUE
Example 6.8: Seasonal Model with Trend airline model note that full model characteristic equation has 2 roots of +1 See Table 5.5 Log airline data and forecasts from t0 = 108
tswge demo – log airline data 1(B)(1-B)(1-B 12)Xt = at Where 1(B) is the 12th order operator given in (6.53) of Woodward, Gray, and Elliott (2017) data(airlog) phi1=c(-.36,-.05,-.14,-.11,.04,.09,-.02, .02,.17,.03,-.10,-.38) fore.aruma.wge(airlog,phi=phi1,d=1,s=12,n.ahead=36,lastn=TRUE,plot=TRUE,limits=FALSE)
Example 6.9: Cyclic Models forecasts follow a non-damping sinusoid adaptive
Forecasts: Note: It can be shown that the forecasts satisfy
Signal-plus-noise forecasts Xt = st + Zt Text considers
Forecasting Strategy (linear case)
tswge demo fore.sigplusnoise.wge(x, linear = TRUE, freq = 0, max.p = 5, n.ahead = 10, lastn = FALSE, plot = TRUE, limits = TRUE) x=gen.sigplusnoise.wge(n=50,b0=10,b1=.2, phi=.8) # xfore=fore.sigplusnoise.wge(x,linear=TRUE,,n.ahead=10,lastn=FALSE,limits=FALSE)
Effect of starting values on ARUMA Model
Effect of starting values on ARUMA Model
Observation: Forecasts from ARMA/ARUMA model are more adaptive Application may dictate whether this adaptability is desirable