ABC Costing @ KBC ICT Wim Eeckhout 13/12/2010
Topics Me, myself and I Facts & Figures: KBC Group and KBC ICT Costing Costing Methods ABC Costing @ KBC ICT Input: cost centres, Budget Line Items Output: services Inside the cost models (+ flavour of its complexity) Tools Costing : the challenges To Remember 3/12/2018
KBC Groep: Facts and Figures (annual report 2009) 3/12/2018 KBC Groep: Facts and Figures (annual report 2009) Jaarverslag 2009 op Welke landen is KBC Groep actief Aantal VTE dat werkt binnen de KBC Groep 3/12/2018
KBC Groep: Facts and Figures (annual report 2009) 3/12/2018 KBC Groep: Facts and Figures (annual report 2009) Jaarverslag 2009 op Idee geven van bedragen (€) waarover we spreken Exploitatiekosten = Totale kosten vd groep: 5600 Mil € in 2008 3/12/2018
KBC ICT: Facts and Figures 3/12/2018 KBC ICT: Facts and Figures Algemene cijfergegevens Global ICT Actief in BE, HU, PL, CZ en SK Aantal FTE (intern, extern, offshore) Totale Spent 2008 van +/- 700 Mil € nin Cash Flow (tov totale kosten groep 5600 Mil € in P&L) 3/12/2018
KBC ICT Services Staff DD Alg 3/12/2018 Production Totaal Cashflow Budget ICT BE 2007 : 439 Mio 18,4 18,2 9,6 27,8 23,9 50,1 8,9 50,5 102,8 44,6 20,9 37,4 4,1 3,8 18,7 OAKS & Diverse Werkstations Netwerken Telefonie Mainframe Centrale servers Kantoorautomaten Alarmbeheer MFT en printers Interne staff produktie Externe staff produktie Middelen create Interne staff create Externe staff create Directe doorrekeningen Create DD Alg 183,6 Staff 197,9 Totale CF: * 50% = personeelskost ! * 10-15% = cascades (gebouwen, personeelsdienst, facilitaire diensten, …) 3/12/2018
Costing – ICT Services Aim Company = make profit 3/12/2018 Aim Company = make profit (return on investment for shareholders) ICT (ICT Global Services NV) = provides services to entities within the group (“kredieten”, “kantoren”, …) Aim KBC ICT Mission statement ! Doel van ICT is geen winst te maken al moet geen winst maken genuanceerd. ICT rekent door op cost plus basis Kosten worden doorgerekend met een MU van 5 % (verplichting TAX) Belangrijke focus op het beheersen en correct toewijzen van kosten Er worden ook wel diensten geleverd aan bedrijven buiten de groep = insourcing (marginaal) 3/12/2018
KBC ICT Services Mission Statement 3/12/2018 KBC ICT Services wants to be the partner of all lines of business of the KBC Group by offering them best in class ICT services for the full value chain enabling them to run their business processes smoothly and resulting in the highest possible benefit for KBC Group Partner: samenwerkingsmodel, geen dictatuur Best in class: probeer het niet zelf te doen, we kennen onze job en doen hem goed ! ICT services: als ondersteunende dienst bieden we diensten aan zdd andere diensten (merchant banking, kredieten, palo) hun werk kunnen doen Benefit: doel is een zo hoog mogelijke winst voor de groep 8 3/12/2018 8
Costing: ICT Services 3/12/2018 Geen winst maken moet genuanceerd. ICT rekent door op cost plus basis Kosten worden doorgerekend met een MU van 5 % (verplichting TAX) 3/12/2018
Costing Costing is one of the financial processes within KBC ICT 3/12/2018 Costing is one of the financial processes within KBC ICT Budgeting : short & long term Purchasing : buy equipment (HW, SW) Pricing: determine prices for each service Charging: invoice the services to the customers Duidelijk maken dat Pricing niet voor de aardigheid is maar onderdeel van een aantal geintegreerde processen. 3/12/2018
Costing - Methods Direct Costing 3/12/2018 Direct Costing Method in which the cost of a product or operation is determined by allocating to it an appropriate portion of the variable (direct) costs. Direct costing treats fixed costs (overheads such as administrative and selling costs) as period costs (associated with time and not output). Indirecte kosten zijn vast en moeten gedekt worden 3/12/2018
Costing - Methods Full Costing 3/12/2018 Full Costing Method of costing a product in which all fixed and variable costs are apportioned to cost centers where they are accounted for (absorbed) using absorption rates. This method ensures that all incurred costs are recovered from the selling price of a good or service. Indirecte kosten moeten versleuteld worden We willen al onze kosten recupereren. Methode: kostenplaatsen definiëren binnen het bedrijf en alle kosten (direct en indirect) toewijzen volgens verdeelsleutels (%) 3/12/2018
Costing - Methods Activity Based Costing 3/12/2018 Activity Based Costing Cost accounting approach concerned with matching costs with activities (called cost drivers) that cause those costs. It is a more sophisticated kind of absorption-costing and replaces labor based costing system. Een van de manieren om activities te bepalen zijn de ITIL activiteiten: security management, change management, incident management, release management, …. 3/12/2018
Costing - Methods Activity Based Costing 3/12/2018 Activity Based Costing Instead of allocating costs to cost centers (such as manufacturing, marketing, finance), ABC allocates direct and indirect costs to activities such as processing an order, attending to a customer complaint, or setting up a machine. Duidelijk maken dat pricing niet voor de aardigheid is maar onderdeel van een aantal geintegreerde processen. 3/12/2018
ABC costing @ ICT KBC Once upon a time … Introduction of Governance 3/12/2018 Once upon a time … Budget: 1 bucket: more ad hoc decisions Charging: Based upon something (Bus FTE, profit, “applications”, …) LT-planning: in the mind of managers Introduction of Governance 4Y-plan (for large investments, Y & Y+1 more in detail) Not only BUS – ICT alignment (more focused on create) Also ICT Infrastructure cost awareness Introducing: Activity Based Costing closer budget follow-up specialization Een hele hoop geld : groei naar noodzaak om dit te controleren/beheren 3/12/2018
Cost Model 3/12/2018
ABC Costing @ KBC ICT : Input 3/12/2018 Define Cost Centres (Budget Lvl -1) Production Cost Centres: Workstations, Servers, Mainframe, Printer Handling Devices, Telecom Managed by Infrastructure Resource Managers Overhead & MandayPrice Create Cost Centres Managed by ICT Finance Laat ons eerst de kosten classiferen: BUD - 1: op Cost centre niveau BUD - 2: op budget line item niveau 3/12/2018
ABC Costing @ KBC ICT : Input Define Budget Line Items (Budget Lvl -2) Office Desktop, HQ desktop, Large Screen, McAfee, Small Server, Large Server, Leased Line, Network Port Managed by same people as Cost Centres Generic Line Items (international) 3/12/2018
ABC Costing @ KBC ICT : Input 3/12/2018 Define Budget Categories (Budget Lvl -3) Opex, Capex (HW, SW) Internal Projects, Business Projects, Recurring, Reinvestments, Growth, Intragroup Opex: worden volledig genomen in lopend jaar en dus NIET afgeschreven volgens boekhoudige regels (IFRS) Vb: jaarlijks onderhoud van de printers, te kleine kosten, gebruiksrecht van MS Office Capex: wordt afgescreven over een bepaalde periode (HW: 3j, SW: 5j) 3/12/2018
ABC Costing @ KBC ICT : Input 3/12/2018 Input for the cost models: Cost Centres HW, SW, Opex Cascades Rent Building, Facilities, HR Deparment, … Manday Price Create (MDP Create) Costs 1-1 addressed to MDP Create Seperate Service Salaries Opex: worden volledig genomen in lopend jaar en dus NIET afgeschreven volgens boekhoudige regels (IFRS) Vb: jaarlijks onderhoud van de printers, te kleine kosten, gebruiksrecht van MS Office Capex: wordt afgescreven over een bepaalde periode (HW: 3j, SW: 5j) 3/12/2018
Cost Model 3/12/2018
ABC Costing @ KBC ICT : Output 3/12/2018 Services Infrastructure and Create Service Service = sum of costs assigned to that service Service Price = Sum of costs / Total consumption Manday Price Create Service Only 1 service with 1 service price No distinction between Role of people All Costs: salaries, cascades, Infrastructure Services 3/12/2018
ABC Costing @ KBC ICT : Output Infrastructure services (called “production”) make ICT infrastructure available, e.g. workstation, telephone, data handling, data storage,… and manage business applications to be up and running. These budgets are managed by ICT (see slide “ICT internal work and internal projects”). 3/12/2018
ABC Costing @ KBC ICT : Output ICT internal work and internal projects are the efforts done by ICT in order to run, maintain and improve the Infrastructure services maintain and improve the Business application services (= to maintain and improve the development tools and processes) support the ICT organization and processes (procurement, finance, legal & tax, HR, information risk management, …) These budgets are managed by ASC ICT and ICT budget committees, and are charged via the unit prices (production unit prices and create manday price). 3/12/2018
ABC Costing @ KBC ICT : Output Business application services (called “create”) consist of the creation of new business applications, and the functional improvement and maintenance of these applications. These budgets are managed by the respective Business ASCs. 3/12/2018
ABC Costing @ KBC ICT : Output 3/12/2018 Geen winst maken moet genuanceerd. ICT rekent door op cost plus basis Kosten worden doorgerekend met een MU van 5 % (verplichting TAX) 3/12/2018
Price Calculations Example of a ICT Production Service: ‘Managed desktop’ Own desktop activities/components Workstation HW (pc, screen…) Basis software (Office, Antivirus,..) IMAC/D activities (install/move/add/change/dispose) Shopped activities/components Network activities (which is deliverd by Telco cloud, consisting on there own on HW, FTE support, network software tools…) to have network access. Managed servers for software distribution and access mgmt (deliverd by Server cloud…) Overall activities (procurement, finance, security…) => Unit price per ‘Managed Desktop’ (other examples: managed application/database server, CPU mainframe-second, RAID storage GB, managed call center unit, …)
Price Calculations The ICT Create service: ‘Manday Create’ Salary of developer Costs of development tools (g.e. RAD/EGL) Cost of Workplace (pc, tel, office space…) Supporting development departments costs (tool selection, functional & technical design best practices, test-advice…) Overall activities (procurement, finance, security) Management costs + general improvement programs (M2V) No differentiation between internal or external resource, in role (programmer, analyst, PM) or experience (jr, sr). => ICT decides on this, not business. (what versus who of governance)
Charged ICT services 2006 (Belgium)
Cost Model 3/12/2018
ABC Costing @ KBC ICT : Inside Financial unit ICT Direct costs Indirect costs Activities and service items Service items = Cost objects Services in a Service catalogue E2E Resources management Activity driver Resource driver Line items 3/12/2018
Look into the Cost Model 3/12/2018
Look into the Cost Model Manday Price Create 3/12/2018
Look into the model Export EPO: RDS 3/12/2018
Look into the model Additional: TCOV+ 3/12/2018
Look into the model Servers 3/12/2018
Look into the model Servers Storage 3/12/2018
ABC Costing@ KBC ICT: Tools FORMERLY: Excel + Intuitive + Flexibility - Running the model TODAY: Cost Modelling Tool (EPO) + Standardisation (international) + Running the model - Complexity 3/12/2018
Look into the model EPO – Navigator 3/12/2018
Look into the model – LOW Visualizations Mainframe Storage BE 3/12/2018
Look into the model Visualizations Servers CZ 3/12/2018
ABC Costing :Challenges Granularity Budget Line Items Services Concept versus implementation Stability of prices Benchmarking (internal, external) Integration into Business Models Roll-out Central Europe 3/12/2018
ABC Costing @ KBC ICT: To Remember Cost Models: easy concept, complex implementation Redistribution of costs (from BudgetLineItems to services) ABC Costing: no implementation by the book Ultimate goal = cost management From “What decision caused increase of costs?” Reactive To “Why should be make these costs ?” Proactive 3/12/2018
ABC Costing @ KBC ICT Questions ? 3/12/2018