Mexico Latin America
Mexico Basics Primary Language: Spanish Religion: Roman Catholic Population: 112.3 million Political Divisions: 31 states and a federal district Major Resources: Oil Silver Gold Fishing Largest City: Mexico City (52 million live here)
History: Colonialism and Independence History shaped by conflict between settlers and natives. Spanish conquest of 1519 by Hernan Cortes led to demolition of Aztec society Part of the Spanish empire for centuries Spain valued Mexico for its gold and silver
History: Colony and Country 1821: Mexico achieved independence Rich farmers controlled most of the land while peasants were forced to work the land 1850s: Benito Juarez led reform movement and became president 1900-1917: Mexican Revolution prompted by unfair leadership and unfair land distribution Half of Mexico’s land divided and given to peasants
Politics: One-Party Rule 1929: New political party arose in Mexico Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI): introduced democracy and helped to maintain political stability for the 20th century New political parties developed in 1997 and won many seats against PRI 2000 the first non-PRI President was elected (Vicente Fox) Current President is Enrique Nieto, a PRI member (57th President of Mexico)
Economics: Responding to Challenges NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement): important trade agreement that has created a huge zone of cooperation on trade and economic issues Trade helps boost economy Creates jobs for millions of people Really low taxes and tariffs