UWWTD SIIF WORKSHOP 6 MAY 2014 -Brussels New datamodel European Commission Directorate General for the Environment unit C.2 - Marine Environment & Water Industry
The translation from the existing datamodel to the new datamodel will be automatically generated by OIEAU regarding this pilot exercise and the existing databases or information
Frequency of reporting What is new Report – Contact (merge of three different tables) Receiving areas (dates and ID of successor) Agglomerations (ID of sucessor, date of compliance, municipalities, population, national hyperlinks,…) UWWTPs (ID of successor, type of treatment, hyperlinks,…) UWWTP-Agglo (no change) Discharges points (ID of successor, type of discharge point,…) Mslevel/Eurostat requirements (creation of a specific eurostat table) Compliance tables (totally new but automatically generated) Forward looking aspects Agglomerations (totally new) Forward looking aspects UWWTPs (totally new) Forward lookin aspects socio economic (existing table under art. 17) Frequency of reporting
Receiving areas main changes What is new Receiving areas main changes Reorganisation of the block on account of shortcomings with the relevant dates and parameters. More detailed information are needed about dates to avoid mistakes regarding the assessment ID of the successor (historical data management) Date of designation: Art. 5(2,3) – criterion a (N) Date of designation: Art. 5(2,3) – criterion a (P) Date of designation: Art. 5(2,3) – criterion b Date of designation: Art. 5(2,3) – criterion c Starting date of application of Art. 5(2,3) – criterion a (N) Starting date of application of Art. 5(2,3) - criterion a (P) Starting date of application of Art. 5(2,3) - criterion b Starting date of application of Art. 5(2,3) - criterion c There will be a very low update of this information only when new sensitive areas are designated or when there is a merge of several sensitive areas.
Agglomerations main changes What is new Agglomerations main changes Compulsory ID of the successor (historical data management) Date of compliance for article 3,4, 5 and 6 ( linkage with article 17 requirement, automation of this date for compliant situation?) Voluntary Municipalities (INSPIRE to give access to information regarding these municipalities) Population inhabitants (needed by EUROSTAT at regional and national level, this information is already used by some MS to established the load) Hyperlink to national fiche (to allow easy sharing from EU to national level or for other users of this database)
What is new UWWTPs main changes Compulsory ID of the successor (historical data management) Voluntary Rate of entering load transported to this UWWTP by trucks (important for the design of the UWWTP and for potential explanation of badfunctioning) Type of treatment of sewage (useful for analysis and for water experts, a list of type of treatment has to be established under INSPIRE ) Type of treatment of sludge (useful for analysis and for water experts, a list of type of treatment has to be established under INSPIRE ) Hyperlink to national fiche (to allow easy sharing from EU to national level or for other users of this database) BOD, COD, N and P loads and volume are needed for the emissions under WFD, MSFD, OSPAR, HELCOM,…. but also Eurostat statistics. An agreement has to be found with MS to find common periods to provide this information through the UWWTD reporting. (e.g each four years)
Discharge point main changes What is new Discharge point main changes Possibility to have discharge points from collecting systems and UWWTPS Compulsory ID of the successor (historical data management) Type of discharge point (UWWTP or collecting system) Effluent flow type (existing parameter but improvement of the list) Voluntary Volume of untreated waste water (important for all kind of emission into water) Does the discharge affect the objective of other relevant directives (MSFD, WFD, BD,…) annex I.B.4 (Important for the assesment of the relevant diretives) With the ID code of sensitive area and waterbody, possibility to give access through hyperlinks to detailed information about these receiving areas. Automation of generation of hyperlinks at EU level with these ID codes.
Compliance agglomeration and UWWTPs What is new Compliance agglomeration and UWWTPs These are two important tables regarding the SIIF principles "focused on compliance" These two tables have to be automaticaly generated with the existing parameters and have to be tested under the next reporting exercise and the SIIF pilot project. These tables have to be automatically generated in the future through the sanitation QA/QC webtool.
Compliance agglomeration and UWWTPs tables What is new Compliance agglomeration and UWWTPs tables Agglomeration ID of the agglomeration Compliance as regards waste water collection (art.3) at reference date Rate of sewage totally treated by dry and wet weather at reference date Compliance as regards waste water treatment (art.4) at reference date Compliance as regards waste water treatment (art.5) at reference date Compliance as regards waste water treatment (art.6) at reference date UWWTP/collecting system without treatment ID of UWWTP/ collecting system without treatment Load entering UWWTP Compliance as regard waste water treatment installation (article.4) at reference date Compliance as regard waste water treatment performances (article.4) at reference date Compliance as regard waste water treatment installation (article.5) at reference date Compliance as regard waste water treatment performances (article.5) at reference date Automatically generated with the reporting data and has to be shared with what will be done under the 8th reporting exercise.
MS level/Eurostat reporting What is new MS level/Eurostat reporting Not finalised. It has to be split in two parts because a specific table has to be developped regarding Eurostat requirements to generate statistics at regional and national level with automatic calculation to filling some cells when possible. These stastistics have to be compatible with other international reporting (UNECE,…).
Forward Looking Aspects What is new Forward Looking Aspects Article 17 content for not compliant situations or forward looking aspects Agglomeration table UWWTPs table Socioeconomic table + voluntary parameters Forward looking aspects on sensitive area have been deleted The frequency of reporting has to be defined depending from the MS situation.
Forward Looking Aspects Agglomerations What is new Forward Looking Aspects Agglomerations
Forward Looking Aspects Agglomerations What is new Forward Looking Aspects Agglomerations Voluntary parameters Authority owner of the collecting system or IAS Expected generated load of the agglomeration at the expected date of compliance Expected rate of the generated load of agglomeration collected through collecting systems at the expected date of compliance Expected rate of the generated load of the agglomeration addressed through IAS at the expected date of compliance
Forward Looking Aspects Agglomerations What is new Forward Looking Aspects Agglomerations . Voluntary parameter Authority owner of the UWWTP
Current and forward looking aspect socio economic What is new Current and forward looking aspect socio economic . Existing table under current article 17 reporting .
Current and forward looking aspect socio economic What is new Current and forward looking aspect socio economic Voluntary parameters Lenght of sewage collecting systems (excluding storm water collecting systems) Investment costs of the IAS Operating costs of the collecting systems and UWWTPs without amortization of investment EU funds requested (if applicable) Number of Jobs in the sanitation field
Frequency of UWWTD reporting under SIIF Proposal for discussion For countries who will decide to adopt the SIIF concept: Reduction of frequency for compliant situations (proposal of addition of one parameter in the different tables "no major change from the last reporting exercise") for the EU UWWTD reporting exercise. Change each four years. Annual reporting for not compliant or forward looking aspect situations Will allow MS to focus their efforts on not compliant situations, Will give the possibility to produce each year new EU and national statistics,
Thank you for your attention.