Office of Human Resources Presentation Positive Discipline: Methods That Engage Employees Presented By: Robbie Wahnee Employee Relations, Learning and Development Office of Human Resources Presentation
Office of Human Resources Presentation Learning Objectives University of Oklahoma’s Positive Discipline Guidelines Understand and utilize performance management Mission of the University Workplace Agendas Employment Laws Use FOSA Office of Human Resources Presentation
University of Oklahoma Mission Statement The mission of the University of Oklahoma is to provide the best possible educational experience for our students through excellence in teaching, research, and creative activity, and service to the state and society. Office of Human Resources Presentation
Office of Human Resources Presentation Staff Handbook Guidelines and policies Section 3.22 Positive Discipline Our policy provides us with legal protection. It gives us the formula to document successive disciplinary actions and prove that those actions were appropriate and without bias. It gives employees who violate the rules an opportunity to improve by letting them know what behavioral and performance standards are required. Located at: Office of Human Resources Presentation
Office of Human Resources Presentation Employment Laws Workplace safety and health Wages and work hours Equal Opportunity Harassment Discrimination Office of Human Resources Presentation
Office of Human Resources Presentation Hiring & Good Fit Job Analysis Job Listing & Hiring Guidelines The Interview & Ranking Orienting the Employee Costs of Hiring Office of Human Resources Presentation
Engage: Conditions That Motivate Focus on individual Be positive I looked this over and really like it! That’s good! Good job! I agree. Let’s do it! Thank you! Grote-The performance appraisal question and answer book: 6 techniques that have predictable effect: create opportunities for achievement/accomplishment Allow people freedom, discretion, autonomy Opportunities for learning/growth Increase challenges Design work to be motivational RECOGNITION Be Aware of Disengaging employees Too modern Too old fashioned It won’t work Too expensive Too academic This is the way we have always done it Mixed results but usually not engaged nor motivated Or supervisors: I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter. I’m not being rude; you are just insignificant. Chaos, panic & disorder, my work here is done. S/he has delusions of adequacy. To err is human; to forgive is not our policy. Gallup has studied employee engagement levels Over 3 million employees have participated in a survey: 12 items, 3 distinct categories: not engaged-negative, actively disengaged-neither positive or negative, wait & see attitude, engaged-builders, curious, use talents/strengths daily, drive innovation Office of Human Resources Presentation
Performance Management Cycle Planning & Assessment Data & Performance Management Coaching Feedback Review Renew Planning: visioning, goal setting, negotiating, listening How does this person’s job contribute to the overall mission! Data & Performance Mgmt: Observing, setting the bar w/objective statistics, problem solving, feedback Coaching and Feedback: Development, review of accomplishments, rating, documentation Review, Renew: set new goals, reward, Sometimes employees get off track with performance or behaviors/good employees/need guidance. Spend more time with employees who perform well Office of Human Resources Presentation
Facts Objectives Solutions Actions F O S A Facts Objectives Solutions Actions Facts include: what happened, when did it happen, where did it happen, who was involved, how did it happen Mail processing has been opened at an average rate of 200 pieces per hour. You were not wearing safety equipment on the following 3 occasions. You left the machine on 5 times when you were on break or at lunch. Damage to mail has been observed on an average of 20 per thousand pieces of mail. Late on 3 occasions - dates/times. Called once. It is the end of the 3rd fiscal year, and you did not increase the amount of revenue by $8 million. Your desk has papers scattered and there is food on your desk which is unrepresentative of the professional environment. You are wearing a blouse that is cut too low and is offensive. You made 5 personal phone calls that lasted 15 minutes each. OBJECTIVES: SMART You must sell five copy machines per month. Increase the amount of revenue from new sources by not less than $8 million per year for each of the next three fiscal years. Return a program net of not less than 12.5% of expenses in FYXX. Type, format, and send out every memo with 0 errors. Within 24 hours of receipt, has no more than 24-hour turn-around to send invoices for payment. In the future, I expect you to be at work and ready to begin working at 8 AM each day you are scheduled to work. Tapping pencils on the table or other disruptive gestures are not allowed during staff meetings. You must run the experiment exactly as I have demonstrated. I understand that you have some recommendations, but for this experiment, it must be done as instructed. Solutions may include: I will assign XX to work with you on the next project to answer any questions you may have about design and process. I suggest you take a XX course. If you have questions, you may use XX as a reference or talk with XX. I will provide you a sample spreadsheet with a quick reference for those types of issues. I have several books in my office that will assist you with guidelines. Please put your recommendations in writing or schedule a time for us to meet. Talk with OHR (or other referral) about this. Reclassification of the position. Temporary reassignment to other duties. Encouraging small breaks between assignments. Proper training. Let’s assess the tools with which you are working. Frequent meetings to stay on track. You are welcome to visit the employee assistant professionals. There are services in our community that may be able to assist you. Actions Actions are the steps the supervisor will take: To support the employee, or That will be taken if the objectives are not met Assign a mentor X number of days extension to produce results Time off Flexible scheduling Further disciplinary action Follow up Leave of absence without pay Decision-making leave with or without pay Job reassignment Reduction of FTE Job reclassification Removal of duties with reductions in FTE or pay Reduction in pay Transfer to another work area Termination Office of Human Resources Presentation
Office of Human Resources Presentation the “Key” To Discipline or Not to Discipline Coaching Crucial conversations Performance Improvement Plan – then move to discipline 2 sides to every story Need facts! Office of Human Resources Presentation
Discipline Problem Categories Attendance Health and Safety Infractions Poor Performance Misconduct Role Ambiguity Late, long lunches, leaving early Unscheduled vs scheduled Unacceptable behavior Horseplay Job is not clearly defined Micromanagement Improperly trained supervisor or manager Office of Human Resources Presentation
Positive Discipline Process Counseling Coaching Performance Improvement Plan Oral Reminder Written Reminder Decision Making Leave Staff Handbook - Section 3.22 Performance management Many options before entering PD Performance Improvement planning Office of Human Resources Presentation
Office of Human Resources Presentation Violations Minor Overstaying lunch breaks Excessive tardiness Serious Unexcused absences Careless workmanship Severe or Pervasive Theft Threatening or actually striking someone When does it become discipline. Job Essential functions Office of Human Resources Presentation
Office of Human Resources Presentation Investigate Did the employee understand the rule & the consequences associated with violation? Have I administered and enforced the rules appropriately? Have I secured the necessary facts – both sides of the story? Have I considered all the facts in deciding on the disciplinary action, consistent with others who violated the same rule? Office of Human Resources Presentation
Office of Human Resources Presentation Investigate Have I considered all the value judgments involved in the disciplinary action? Am I administering the corrective action in the proper manner? Is disciplinary action reasonably related to: Seriousness of Offense Employee’s record with the organization Am I being consistent? Office of Human Resources Presentation
Crucial Conversations Communicate in performance/behavioral terms Refer to previous discussions and/or memos Listen reflectively to employee Explain specific violations and behavior changes that are expected Confirm understanding Affirm employee Document Follow-up I am borrowing from: Crucial conversations By Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler Talks about interactions that happen in life and affect life – especially in the workplace where: Opinions vary, Stakes are high, Emotions run strong, And outcomes can impact quality of life. I need you to have those boxes moved by 4 PM today. I need you at work, ready to engage at 8 AM, Monday through Friday Office of Human Resources Presentation
Office of Human Resources Presentation Discipline Process Communicate using FOSA Describe level of discipline Document Meet Follow-up I need you to do X by X This is coaching, counseling, discipline – be clear Office of Human Resources Presentation
Documenting the Process Note to a file Memo Official Record FOSA Office of Human Resources Presentation
Office of Human Resources Presentation Decision Making Leave Keep administration informed Review prior issues Outline new issues Be specific about expectations Meet privately Listen Affirm the employee Office of Human Resources Presentation
Office of Human Resources Presentation Decision Making Leave Require employee’s written response Manage the workload Be firm about future action to be taken When Employee Returns Express confidence Collect employee’s written response Monitor performance Provide feedback and coaching Office of Human Resources Presentation
Office of Human Resources Presentation Decision Making Leave Employee responsibility Use the time to reflect Write a response Address insufficiencies Affirm intent to succeed Return on time Office of Human Resources Presentation
Decision Making Leave: The End, or Not? Employee resigns Late return No return Alternatives to termination: Suspension Demotion Job sharing Job coaching Reclassification Transition to another dept over X period of time Office of Human Resources Presentation
Performance Management Success Communicate using FOSA Remove obstacles Provide training Provide feedback Evaluate performance Develop employees Find them doing things right Learn to evaluate – goals, objectives Office of Human Resources Presentation
Do I Ever Wipe the Slate Clean? How? When? Why? Other Questions? Office of Human Resources Presentation
Office of Human Resources Presentation IS IT OVER? Grievance Law Suit EEO complaints Retaliation Office of Human Resources Presentation
Office of Human Resources Presentation