Economic choices and decision making Economics 1.1 Economic choices and decision making
What is the fundamental economic problem ALL societies must face? Scarcity What is the fundamental economic problem ALL societies must face? Society's Limited Resources People’s Unlimited Wants Resources- any available means for economic or political development Want- something we would like to have but that is not necessary for survival
Thanksgiving Society's Limited Resources People’s Unlimited Wants
What We Know We Know…I think Fundamental Economic Problem Society’s limited resources Scarcity Making Choices Individual’s unlimited wants Is which consists of which makes us how do we chose? Now what? What do we need to produce?
Three Basic Economic Questions What to Produce? How to Produce? For Whom to Produce? AHHH… What do I do? What we know: We live in a world with relatively scarce resources, we need to make careful economic choices about how we use these resources. “How do we do that ?” you ask.
What is a society going to produce? What to Produce? What is a society going to produce? Military vs Education Food vs Housing Exports vs Keeping what they produce for themselves What are we going to produce? Food Thanksgiving’s What to Produce? Pumpkin Soup Salad Roasted turkey Cranberry salad Gravy Mom’s stuffing Mashed potatoes Baked potatoes Sweet potatoes Green beans Carrots Squash Rolls Pumpkin pie Condiments
How are we going to produce it? Now that a society knows what they will be producing, now we can ask, “How are we (society) going to produce it?” What to produce- Food How are we going to produce it? United States- through corporate farms, large machinery and limited chemicals N. Korea- state owned farms, lots of laborers and lots of chemicals How to Produce? Thanksgiving’s How to Produce Some food home grown (squash, onion, potatoes, and corn from my garden) Some food made from scratch Some foods bought ready made (rolls) With machinery when possible Slave labor (Devon and Jeremy)
Now that a society knows what they want to produce and how they are going to produce it, they ask the question, “Who are we producing for?” Who is going to receive what we produce? What to produce- Food How are we going to produce it? United States- through corporate farms, large machinery and limited chemicals N. Korea- state owned farms, lots of laborers and lots of chemicals For whom to produce? United States- locally, nationwide and world wide N. Korea- the upper echelon of society and then export all the rest of the food (have mass domestic famine/starvation for the general population) For Whom to Produce? Thanksgiving “For Whom to Produce” My family My peeps Anyone else who has not tasted my cooking before and agrees to come over for Thanksgiving
What We Know We Know…I think Fundamental Economic Problem Society’s limited resources Scarcity Making Choices Individual’s unlimited wants What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce? Is which consists of which makes us how do we chose? Now what? What do we need to produce?
Practice Time Cuba is a nation/state island that lies off the coast of Florida. Cuba produces mostly exports which include: cigars, sugar, nickel, tobacco, fish, citrus, and coffee. Imports include food, fuel, and clothing. The government employs most of the workers in Cuba, and the workers and poorly paid and work on labor-intense farms tending to the country’s exports. In general, the people are poor and under nourished, as there is a food shortage. The countries exports give the government of officials a lot of money and they live very well.
We’ve answered the questions, now what? What do we know: We know that we have limited resources and unlimited wants which is scarcity , and every society needs to deal with it. We know the three economic questions that need to be answered. We’ve answered those questions so we have a plan of action. What do you do after you complete a plan of ACTION! Now we ACT!! Now we can manufacture/produce. We’ve answered the questions, now what? I’ve got NO idea
4 Factors of Production Now let’s get producing!! In order to produce any product, all four factors, or elements contributing to a particular result or situation, must exist. Entrepreneur Land Capital Labor
Come up with new ideas or inventions A risk-taking individual in search of profit (individuals or government) Starter of a business Come up with new ideas or inventions They normally organize the other factors of production Entrepreneur
Create the new products Create the new businesses Create new jobs Why are they important? Create the new products Create the new businesses Create new jobs Whose the entrepreneur in the Thanksgiving situation (who’s the boss?) ME! What do you think? As an entrepreneur I’ve got my business plan and idea, now what do I need to do?
Resources that are used in the final product- raw material Gift of nature OR Resources that are used in the final product- raw material Land What is the land in my Thanksgiving scenario? Turkey Pumpkin Potatoes (shift resources to make both baked and mashed- less of each) Squash Corn Eggs Now that I have my business plan, willing to take a risk (entrepreneur) and I have bought my raw material or inputs (land), what do I do next? Start to manufacture my product. With what? I don’t have any equipment.
Capital or Capital Good Tools, equipment, machinery, and buildings/factories used in producing the product Anything you use in the manufacturing of the final product What capital or capital goods do I have in my Thanksgiving scenario? Oven Spoons Pans Refrigerator Now that I have my business plan, willing to take a risk (entrepreneur),I have bought my inputs (land) and I have the tools and equipment to produce, (capital) what do I do next?
The people that work or produce for you, the entrepreneur Labor What labor do I have in my Thanksgiving scenario? Jeremy Devon
What We Know We Know…I think Fundamental Economic Problem Society’s limited resources Scarcity Making Choices Individual’s unlimited wants What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce? The person that takes the risk for the chance of making a profit The person who answers the three fundamental questions for her/himself Directs the other factors of production Start producing! Raw materials and inputs/ gifts of nature Is which consists of which makes us how do we chose? Now what? What do we need to produce? Four Factors of Production Entrepreneur Land Capital/capital goods Labor Machinery and utensils to create the product The workers with all of their efforts and skills
Practice Time
Economics and Economist “How do economists do that?” you ask. The process is very “D A E P” Describe Analyze Explain Predict Economics and Economist Economics is the social science that looks at how individuals, businesses, societies and government use their limited resources to satisfy their unlimited wants Economists are the social scientists who study and look at how individuals, businesses, societies and government use their limited resources to satisfy their unlimited wants
Scope of Economics 1. Describe What do you observe? Central/south America Tourist Women sell goods Small stands Produce and flowers What do you observe? Fact finding, investigate, survey…. Gather as much raw data as you can
Scope of Economics 2. Analyze Data showed 99% of the products that were for sale were produced by small family farms or cottage industries Cottage industry is the production, for sale, of goods at home There was a 5% jump in tourism since last year Take all of the notes, surveys, data, raw data…. organize them and see what the numbers tell you.
Scope of Economics Take what you have learned and tell other people. 3. Explain Take what you have learned and tell other people. Publish an article in a journal Write a book Lecture Go on TV, You Tube… Use social media to get my explanation across
Scope of Economics 4. Predict Once you have your analysis done and come up with the explanation, you can use that information to predict what the future will hold. Since 99% of economic activity comes from cottage businesses or small family farms, the introduction of corporate farming will be disastrous for the people in this region because they will be wiped out. Because of the additional money spent on tourism advertisement, tourism was up 5% from last year. I recommend that you increase that expenditure and hit a larger geographical area to increase the amount of tourism in this area.
Practice Time
What We Know We Know…I think Fundamental Economic Problem Society’s limited resources Scarcity Making Choices Individual’s unlimited wants The person that takes the risk for the chance of making a profit The person who answers the three fundamental questions for her/himself Directs the other factors of production Scope of Economics What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce? Describe Analyze Explain Predict Start producing! Raw materials and inputs/ gifts of nature Is which consists of which makes us how do we chose? Now what? What do we need to produce? Four Factors of Production Entrepreneur Land Capital/capital goods Labor Machinery and utensils to create the product The workers with all of their efforts and skills