CEO Report Board Meeting 8-15-2018 BCEO Meeting 8-23-2018 Personnel Consulting All staff were interviewed in July as to comparing actual duties to their job descriptions Sent proposed job description for Compliance and Policy Analyst to be included in review Expect initial report before the end of September regarding job descriptions and compensation study
Customer Centered Approach to Center Operations All focus groups to be conducted by August 31, 2018 Will use data from groups to create a survey instrument that will be broadly administered to increase the sample size Design team will start meeting early in September and finish by the middle of October Conducting additional interviews with Community Based organizations; Hispanic Chamber, Center for Employment Opportunities, City Care, Dale Rogers Training Center, Office of Juvenile Affairs and Homeless Alliance
Budget Comparison PY17 to PY18 Decreased the Board’s budget by $30,700.00 Total Budget available increased from $5,007,736.00 to $5,048,451.00 Adults/DLW; increased funding for occupational training, OJT and supportive services Youth; increased funding for Work Experience and Training Services Budget calls for 53.3% of the Adult/DLW programmatic funds to be spent on training. State requirement is 40%. Carry-over for next year has been reduced by $244,848.00 Will need to start planning on some alternative scenarios to cover reduced funding in PY19
New Fiscal Agent Agreement Signed agreement with the Western Oklahoma Workforce Development Area to be their fiscal agent as of July 1, 2018. Projected to bring in an additional $42,600.00 over this year. This will replace some of the Board’s budget cost and free up funding for programmatic items. Believe we can handle this with existing staff Rosaland has been instrumental in helping bring their fiscal matters up-to-date
Additional items In process of reviewing 401(k) options for staff. Will be making a recommendation of changing contracts next month Have started reviewing all of our insurance programs provided to staff. Have signed commitment to change vision providers We will be switching to state plan to offer greater variety of options for staff while reducing cost to COWIB Last option to consider is new vendor for Short and Long Term Disability All of the changes will benefit staff and COWIB