Keep Well – General Practice Perspective Dr Stephen Lynch Calsayseat Medical Group Deputy Clinical Lead City CHP
How have we done ? 1066 checks done last year 87 at Calsayseat (target 50 )
Good practice tips Sharing of good practice amongst practices via cluster network Sharing of monthly performance data Post code checker Tying KW in with other visits to surgery ( new patient appt) Opportunistic testing Use of reminders – yellow stickies etc Practices need to be organised and have full nursing complement . Timing of checks important ( avoid end of QOF year )
Are we addressing inequality ? > 1000 patients who have had a KW check Assessment of cardiac risk New diagnoses of HBP and type 2 diabetes Lifestyle issues addressed ? Are we reaching the patients we need to reach
Are we supporting prevention and self care? Opportunity for effective signposting of patients to third sector/ NHS/ community assets eg Healthy Helpings Alcohol services CAB/ welfare rights / cash in your pocket Sports Village and public health opportunities for increasing exercise