Pathology with Paper and Pencil [Ref: P. Mandal, R. Dey, S. Chakraborty, Lab Chip, 2012, 12, 4026-4028] Normal filter paper Filter paper soaked in photoresist; prebaked Mask for UV exposure Paper channel 1 1
Fabrication of Complex Structures on Paper Zigzag design to investigate mixing H-channel designed to investigate blood cell separation 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 12 10 8 6 4 2
Colorimetric Detection of Blood Glucose and Multiplexing Calibration curve with Standard glucose Calibration with standard glucose samples Colorimetric Detection of Blood Glucose and Multiplexing Blood sample to source pad Multiplexing: Simultaneous detection of multiple analytes like glucose and protein etc. Blood group Identification Protein assay Anti A-B Anti O Glucose assay Glucose detection process Whatman grade 1 Length = 20 mm W = 3 mm, Φ = 7 mm Paper microchannel Glucose Reagent Antibody (ABO) Reagents Blood Sample Plasma separated from RBC Brown color developed Result Display Separation + Reaction Image Processing Image Acquisition
Paper-based Kits for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Assays Prototype: Indian patent file no: 201631023867 Working protocol: Microfluidics and Microscale Transport Processes Laboratory
Towards a Commercializable Device Functional block diagram of the med Colorimeter. Paper Based Micro-fluidic Sensor with Blood Sample Micro-controller/ Digital Signal Processor LED based calibrated light source Calibrated photo detector Trans-impedance amplifier + filters Analog to Digital Converter Smart Phone Bluetooth Low Energy Transceiver A/Prof. Sudip Nag Prof. Suman Chakraborty
Prototype Design Paper Based Blood Sample Sensor Battery Opaque Enclosure Paper Based Blood Sample Sensor Bluetooth Low Energy Transceiver Calibrated LED with Driver and Optical Detector
Specification of the Prototype S.N. Parameters Values 1 Principle of detection Colorimetry 2 Wavelength/ illuminator 640 nm (red)/ LED 3 Intensity 13000 lux 4 Optical resolution of detector 0.01 lux 5 RF carrier/ protocol 2.4 GHz/ Bluetooth Low Energy 6 Digital resolution/ Speed of data transfer 23 bits/ 4 samples per second 7 App on smart phone Custom developed 8 Supply voltage/ Power 3.0 V/ 50 mW typical
Acknowledgement Researchers and Students Faculty Member Dr. Sudip Nag Department of E&ECE IIT Kharagpur, INDIA Researchers and Students Dr. Shantimoy Kar (former Ph.D student) Sujay Biswas (current Ph.D student)
Acknowledgement Researchers and Students Dr. Shantimoy Kar Sujay Biswas
Collaborative partners and funding Agencies