Chordate Notochord Vertebra Ectotherm Endotherm Phylum whose members have a notochord, nerve cord and a pouch in their throat Notochord A flexible rod that supports a chordate’s back Vertebra Small bones that make up the backbone Ectotherm An animal whose body does not produce much heat Endotherm An animal whose body controls and regulates its temperature by cooling the internal heat it produces
Fish Cartilage Swim Bladder Amphibian Tadpole An ectothermic vertebrate that lives in water and has fins Cartilage A connective tissue, more flexible than bone that protects the ends of bones Swim Bladder An internal gas filled organ that helps bony fish stabilize their bodies at different depths Amphibian An ectothermic vertebrate that spends its early life in water and adult life on land Tadpole The larval form of a frog or toad
Lung Atrium Ventricle Habitat Reptile An organ found in air breathing vertebrates that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood Atrium The two upper chambers of the heart Ventricle The lower chamber of the heart Habitat The specific environment that provides the things an organism needs to live, grow and reproduce Reptile An ectothermic vertebrate that lays eggs, has lungs and scaly skin
Kidney Urine Amniotic Egg Fossil Sedimentary Rock Major organ of the excretory system that removes urea and wastes from the blood Urine Watery fluid produced by the kidneys that contains urea and other wastes Amniotic Egg An egg with a shell and internal membranes that keep the embryo moist Fossil The preserved remains or traces of an organism that lived in the past Sedimentary Rock Rock formed from hardened layers of sediment
A scientist who studies extinct organisms Paleontologist A scientist who studies extinct organisms