From Prototype to Production with Eagle PCB Design Workshop 5 PCB Layout and Silkscreen Layout of a single-channel CheerLights Wi-Fi controller Robert Mawrey
The “silk” layers Text and graphics printed on the top and bottom of the board are referred to as the silk layers The top silk is typically a combination of tPlace, tNames and sometimes tSilk The bottom silk is typically a combination of bPlace and Bnames For accurate printing a Vector font option should be chosen
Changing the size and type of all fonts First smash all the parts Group all Select smash Ctrl+right+click Change the font type Select Change>Font>Vector Change the font size Select Change>Size>0.032
Hide and show layers Show the layers on the right
Labeling the parts For ease of assembly it is helpful to label the parts. Move the labels so that they are not over a pad or via or under a part.
Label the Inputs and Outputs