The Outsiders Vocabulary Chapters 5-8
IMPLORINGLY In a pleading, begging manner
SULLENLY In a gloomy, silent, surly way
HUE Color, especially a tint or shade
SUBSIDE To sink back or down; become lower
ELUDE To escape understanding; baffle
WISTFULLY Longingly; in a wishful manner
DOGGEDLY In a stubborn or persistent way
CONVICTION A strong belief
DETACHED Uninvolved; indifferent; disinterested
RACKING Agonizing; tormenting
RADIATE To send out rays; to beam or shine
DELINQUENTS People (especially young people) who commit a crime
MANSLAUGHTER Unlawfully killing another without planning in advance
BRAWN Strength; physical power
RECURRING Occurring again and again
AGHAST Shocked, horrified, terrified
EXPLOIT Daring act or heroic deed
FALTERED Spoke hesitantly; stammered
JET Black, usually highly polished
DIVERT Draw to another direction; turn from its course