👧 THE POSE Jenna Allie Jamie Maddy
Has anyone here done anything without thinking? If so what was the outcome? Was it good or bad? Would you do it again?
Summary By: Jenna
Summary a girl acts on impulse and replaces a manikin in a clothing store with herself right away she feels a sense of belonging standing there frozen as if she was walking as people start to come an look at her, she feels happy although her body hurts, she forces herself to stay a little longer in the window to see what other people she will see most of the people that have come up to her and gawked in wonder
Summary continued at one point she sees her friend and gets scared that she might recognise her but her friend doesn’t really notice her after her friend leaves two boys coming home from school come up to look at her one of them thinks that she is real but the other quickly discourages the idea when they left she laughed and met eyes with a man that had watched her he smiled at her and with that she left the store moving the manikin back and slipping out unnoticed
Character Conflicts By: Maddy
Character Conflicts Character VS Society Character VS Self 👪👪 👤👤
Character VS Society Main Character feels; Anxious ----------------------------------------> “what if he saw the family’s honour exposed so shamelessly out on the street” (Khan 100) Unappreciated ---------------------------> “no one had looked at her so appreciatively before” (Khan 99) Lonely ----------------------------------------------> “she never felt herself a part of the life around her” (Khan 98) Unsafe --------------------------------------------> “she was safe inside the shop window. Where would she find protection outside” (Khan 100)
What’s the point Portrays the stories theme Represents real world conflicts Helps the reader understand what women are going through in culture
Character vs self Inner conflicts; Insecure ---------------------------------------------------------------> “she certainly had no wish to exhibit herself like this to the pedestrians. . .the thought had never even entered her mind” (Khan 99) Has to prove herself ----------------------------------------> “‘just a little while longer’ she told her lips under her breath” (Khan 99) Rebels against her normal ways ----------------> “her feet had again started to protest. . .Scoundrels, stay put!” (Kahn 99) Has to force herself to make a stand
What's the point Helps us understand why she is assuming the role of a manikin Reveals how women in indian culture feel Relates to readers that may have the same problems
outcome “Confidently she strode away, briskly but lightly, happy and satisfied. As though she’d just unloaded the entire pestering weight of her body and soul” (Khan 101) she was able to overcome fear of hiding within her culture able to literally stand up in front of her culture and create her own sense of power within it
Literary Devices By: Allie
Literary Devices Apostrophe: 2. Situational Irony: 3. Metaphor ”’Just a little while longer’, she told her lips under her breath” (Anwer 99). 2. Situational Irony: ”Confidently she strode away, briskly but lightly, happy and satisfied” (Answer 101). 3. Metaphor “Standing in the show window she felt a strange sense of comfort wash upon her” (Answer 98).
“‘Just a little while longer,’ she told her lips under her breath” Apostrophe “‘Just a little while longer,’ she told her lips under her breath” (Answer 99). Convince her body to hold on just a little while longer Shows that this makes her feel safe and noticed Trying to hold on to the feelings that she feels in the showing case for as long as possible Wouldn’t give into any of the setbacks her body would give her Shows she would choose to stay no matter what would arise Only listening to emotions and not physical state
SItuational Irony “Confidently she strode away, briskly but lightly, happy and satisfied” (Answer 101). Human that feels more alive as an object When she poses as an object she feels like she is noticed and feels more confident yet objects don’t have those feelings and yet that is where she feels more safe Acting like an inanimate object and feeling at home and comfortable Feels only way the only way to really be noticed as a women is to become something people will actually notice her by
Metaphor “Standing in the show window she felt a strange sense of comfort wash upon her” (Answer 98). Comparing the showwindow to her life Stuck in her own little comfortable bubble Her life is on the inside of the showwindow and reality is on the outside Showing the segregation between men and women Feels as if she cannot find the confidence and the attention outside of the showwindow
Main Themes By: Jamie
Main Themes Women in indian culture are under appreciated, they feel more appreciated being an object “standing in the show window she felt a strange sense of comfort was upon her” (Khan 98) “Her tense body gradually became unstrung, and an unprovoked smile came across her lips” (khan 98)
Themes Continued Society's negative impact on women making them feel worthless “She never felt herself a part of the life around her-” (Khan 98) “But now she was a grown young women, a college student, smart, sophisticated, urban” (khlan 98)
Theme Continued You have to learn to appreciate yourself before others will appreciate you The author implies that she does not appreciate herself While standing in the window she comes to appreciate herself as an object
Discussion By: Jenna
Discussion The young boy that enters the story twice, he was the first to go over to her in the window and he watched her leave he saw her both as an object and a person and he still had the same , “His eyes seemed to say: Incredible!” (Khan 99), “The youth was still staring at her, perhaps with wonder” (Khan 101) The main character’s name was never mentioned she wasn’t noticed outside of the shop window so it seemed fit that as a reader she was left as a stranger
Discussion continued The girl felt more visible in a store window standing still as an object, rather than walking around this is ironic because she wasn’t doing anything to get anyone’s attention but she got more attention by standing still than when she was outside of the window most people feel that they get more attention if they are physically doing something When the two school boys came up to look at her one was saying how she was real but the other called him a “punk” (Khan 100) dramatic irony was used here, as the reader it was known that she was real and the first boy was right
Fun Fact A sari looks like------------------------------> It is a female piece of clothing that is traditionally worn in the Indian subcontinent
One last Question Why do you think that the main character thought if her brother saw her in the window, he might think that their family’s honour was being exposed?