Production of Slow Positrons


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Presentation transcript:

Production of Slow Positrons W. J. Kossler S. S. Long JPos09

Geant4 generic arrangement. Converter is to left 2.5mm cube 1 x 4 x 1 mm 1cm spacing Geant4 generic arrangement. Converter is to left and moderator is to right. Electrons are in cyan, gammas in violet, and positrons in orange. The electron beam enters from the left.

Angle in the y-z plane

Angle in the y-z plane

Moderator is target

Moderator is target

Conclusions Jlab is an ideal test bed for slow e+ production ideas. At 140 MeV and 1 mA, if the estimate is correct, the yield of 0.9x1011 slow e+/s is higher than anything else in the world.