Environmental Science What is waste? Environmental Science
In Nature In nature there is no such thing as waste “…in biological cycles whatever is discarded by one organism becomes a resource for other living beings so that nothing is wasted and everything is transformed.” http://www.eniscuola.net/en/argome nto/waste/what-is-waste/what-is- waste-and-how-is-it-created/
Beginning of waste Waste Workshops & Kitchen Human & Animal Carcasses & Remains Pre-Industrial Historically waste isn’t a new thing Much of our waste was organic (easily broken down by natural cycles) Frugal societies Rarely were things thrown out “stuff” was reused Awesome archeological sites http://www.eniscuola.net/en/a rgomento/waste/what-is- waste/what-is-waste-and-how- is-it-created/
Industrial and consumer societies The Industrial Revolution The production of more goods Increase consumer waste Introduction of INORGANIC products http://www.eniscuola.net/en/ argomento/waste/what-is- waste/what-is-waste-and- how-is-it-created/
Current Waste Municipal Solid Waste Hazardous Waste E-Waste
Municipal Waste Waste from residences, commercial buildings, hospitals and schools Paper Containers and packaging Food waste Yard trimmings Inorganic materials https://enviroliteracy.org/environment-society/waste-management/what-is- waste/
Trash Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo https://youtu.be/_6xlNyWPpB8 F7RD7zcIs Order do it yourself materials
Hazardous Waste “Hazardous wastes are poisonous byproducts of manufacturing, farming, city septic systems, construction, automotive garages, laboratories, hospitals, and other industries” Comes in three forms – solid, liquid and gas Looks like: Paint Used motor oil Batteries Shoe polish Laundry detergent https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environ ment/global-warming/toxic-waste/ https://enviroliteracy.org/environment- society/waste-management/what-is-waste/
E- waste Commercial, Schools, Individual Electronic devices – Contain hazardous materials Computers Fax machines Copiers Televisions Cell phones https://enviroliteracy.org/environmen t-society/waste-management/what- is-waste/