Our world before the Europeans discovered the Americas Pre Columbian Times Our world before the Europeans discovered the Americas
The Ice Age Started around 100,000 years B.C. Ended around 10,000 B.C.
During this time, most of the earth’s water was locked up in the glaciers
Because there was less water, more land was above sea level.
The land bridge Beringia was formed when the Bering Strait was not covered with water any more.
The nomads came across Beringia looking for food
By 10,000 B.C. the ice age was pretty much over, and the Bering Strait was filled with water again. The people who had come onto this continent migrated to different places and over thousands of year, developed different cultures. They became the Indians of North and South America.
The oldest known culture were the Clovis Indians
The Clovis Indians were known for being fierce hunters