University of North Carolina Wilmington Update on Rare η Decays Liping Gan University of North Carolina Wilmington
World competition in Rare η Decays Low energy -facilities High energy -facility CBELSA/TAPS at ELSA JEF at Jlab
Filter Background with η Energy Boost Jlab: high energy η production (E = 9-11.7 GeV) Other competitors (CB, KLOE, BES-III, WASA, C-Barrel) : low energy η production Signal: 0 η →000 Note: Statistics is normalized to 1 beam day. BG will be further reduced by requiring only one pair of ’s to have the 0 invariant mass. S. Prakhov et al. Phy.Rev.,C78,015206 (2008)
Our Plan Submit a proposal to PAC40 in May 2013. Work with theorists to strengthen the physics case. Establish collaborations with Chinese institutes for FCAL-II upgrade. We are also in process to contact people in the Panda collaboration to establish possible collaboration for the calorimeter development. Implement PbWO4 crystal in the standard GlueX monte carlo simulation.