What is the next topic?
Motivating Staff Pages 108-111
Aims for today Consider how employees can be motivated to perform Appreciate the laws that small businesses must adhere to in relation to employees
THINK!...What Motivates You?
Why do people work?
Salary Calculator Would you like to know how much you would earn after tax and other deductions are made from your salary? http://www.thesalarycalculator.co.uk/salary.php
Motivation through organisation The way a company is organised will affect motivation. There are 5 ways in which motivation can be increased:
Benefits of motivating staff
Task 1: Complete the ‘Treating Staff Fairly’ worksheet
Task 2: Create a Motivation Mind Map
Legislation protecting workers Appointing & training staff Workers CANNOT be discriminated on the basis of age, sex, race or disability. Protection at work People must be paid the same for doing the same job. Wages must be paid regularly (as stated in their contact). Staff must receive their holiday entitlement. Employees are protected under Health & Safety laws and have rights around joining trade unions.
Legislation protecting workers Leaving work Protection against unfair dismissal. Workers may also be entitled to a pension if they have made pension contributions. 4. Other rights Small businesses can be more greatly affected by laws than larger firms. For example, women are allowed time off to have children and their posts musts be held. This could create difficulties for firms employing 2 or 3 people. EU Law – The Working Time Directive outlines the numbers of hours people can be expected to work over a period of time.
Give me a minute... In your groups, consider all the aspects of the following topics on the board. 2. Each group will be given ‘a minute’ to talk about the topic. 3. Choose one person to start the discussion – they are in control of the microphone. When the teacher says next, the next member of the group must continue the discussion picking up where the previous student left off. So Listen Up, it’s a team challenge!
Homework Topic: Recruiting, motivating & training staff Answer ALL questions on pages 110 & 111 READ & REVIEW Topic 1.4 Inc Pages 112-113