Classification of Matter Notes, Poem, Practice


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Presentation transcript:

Classification of Matter Notes, Poem, Practice

Common Core Connection Objective Today I will be able to: Differentiate between pure substances and mixtures Differentiate between a element, compound, homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture Informal assessment – monitoring student interactions and questions as they complete the practice Formal assessment – analyze student responses to the exit ticket and practice Common Core Connection Build Strong Content Knowledge Reason abstractly and quantitatively

Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm Up Explain: Classification of Matter Notes Engage and Elaborate: Element Compound Mixture Poem Elaborate: Element Compound Mixture Practice Evaluate: Exit Ticket

Warm-Up What is an example of a homogeneous mixture? What is an example of a heterogeneous mixture?

Objective Today I will be able to: Differentiate between pure substances and mixtures Differentiate between a element, compound, homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture

Homework Matter Quiz Monday September 23 STEM Fair Due Friday September 27

Agenda Warm Up Classification of Matter Notes Element Compound Mixture Poem Element Compound Mixture Practice Exit Ticket

Review Concept Maps

Classification of Matter Notes

Classification of Matter Notes Pure Substance Mixtures Elements Compounds Homogeneous Heterogeneous

Mixtures Two or more substances together which are NOT chemically combined Properties - Substances keep separate identities and properties - Substances may be present in any amount - Substances can be separated by simple physical means (filtering, magnet, etc)

Mixtures Heterogeneous - not the same throughout (trail mix, bird seed) - Particles are large enough to be seen - Mixtures separate on standing

Mixtures Homogeneous - the same throughout (salt water) - Particles are small and not easily recognized – uniform mixture of particles - Does not settle on standing

Mixtures Solution – example of a homogeneous mixture - one substance dissolved in another (lemonade, ocean water, gold jewelry) - Particles are very small and evenly spread out - Cannot be separated by simple physical means

Separation of Mixtures Filtration – used to collect solid particles on a filter – heterogeneous mixtures containing a solid phase Evaporation – recover a solute from a solution

Separation of Mixtures Chromatography – used to separate mixtures Retention Factor (Rf value) – how far a compound traveled in a solvent

Separation of Mixtures Distillation – a pure liquid is recovered from a mixed solution Simple or Fractional – similar, except Fractional Distillation has an added component that better separates liquids

Separation of Mixtures

Elements Pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary chemical means (Iron, Copper, Tungsten)

Elements All matter is composed of elements Have definite properties Made up of one type of atom Periodic Table organizes elements according to their properties

Compounds Two or more different elements combine in a chemical reaction New substances with new properties are formed Elements combine in fixed proportions - water (H2O) always has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom

Compounds Examples of Fixed Proportions C3H7OH - Propanol - 3 carbon, 8 hydrogen, 1 oxygen (NH4)2O – Ammonium Oxide - 2 nitrogen, 8 hydrogen, 1 oxygen

Compounds Two elements = binary compound (CO2) Three elements = ternary compound (C6H12O6)

Element, Compound, Mixture Poem and Practice Complete the practice at your desk . Please ask questions as you work through the problems

Exit Ticket Draw a sample that has two elements and two compounds. Does your picture represent a pure substance or a mixture?