Is it necessary for students and graduate civil engineers to understand problems of land use and regional planning Is it enough to have a good technical background without understanding of impacts and connections of a new building project? Workshops
The primary educational goal of the 4 workshops was to show future civil engineers and architects in a non-rigorous and fun way that it is essential for their future practice to be able to see and understand what can happen to the area and its surroundings when particular project or investment is to be placed there.
The first day focused on getting student's to know the place which will be the subject for their analysis and proposals, students attended expert lectures and started to prepare structure of their proposals.
Second day was dedicated to intensive work on proposals of the subject area's future use.
Third day students they presented their results front of the supervisors in front of representatives of the area's owners and last but not least in front of representatives of the municipality
The first workshop: Ostrava Kunčičky, coal mine Alexandr
The first workshop: lessons learned Students were able to very quickly get into the issue Much bigger problem was grasping the broader relationship of the problem area, Purely organizational problem was that the next day the students worked outside the site - They had better facilities, but they lacked immediate contact. As the most nonfunctional proved the concept of a single permanent supervisor for each group, because students tended to expect from their supervisor defending of their results.
The second workshop: Ústí nad Labem – Předlice
The second workshop: Supervisors were not dedicated to the group, but all supervisors walked around all students. Supervisors were both local, especially municipal office workers and also lecturers from the university. Students : about 40% were architects (including several students from Poland and Slovakia), 20% classical civil engineers 20% regionalists 10% sociologists 10% economists. Students from five Czech universities
The second workshop: lessons learned Breakdown by proportional representation from various specialties into groups was a good choice and brought many new insights Unfortunately, the actual overall results were slightly weaker mainly because students at the beginning lost a lot of time by struggling to communicate. But the very positive fact was that the students were able to grasp the whole district and that they were able to fairly quickly get necessary orientation in the area. Purely technical negative aspect, which was pointed out mostly by internal supervisors was that the students preferred to use Google street view to going out on the street and check how it looks in reality themselves. The only comprehensive proposal, which could be further elaborated, was a memorial trail of Jaroslav Foglar (he was a well-known author of books for youngsters and he lived and worked in that region).
The third workshop: return to Ostrava Ostrava Hrušov
This time we tested the model with mainly external supervisors. Suppervisors were from the USA, Form Slovak as ewell as from Czech Republic
The third workshop: lessons learned The model of external supervisors did not work primarily because this time not only students among themselves and students with supervisors were struggling to find common grounds often also supervisors among themselves. In the end, unfortunately, it was noticeable in the final outputs, but on the other hand those who carefully listened to expert discussion of external supervisors gained invaluable know-how.
The fourth workshop Trnava - Slovakia
In terms of the results this workshop was the most successful. Because for majority of students it was not our first workshop they attended it could have been seen that they really began to think across disciplines and they were able to understand each other
Conclusion Concept of workshop is running - Test workshop It is essential that supervisors were from the university itself and also from external subjects. Group leader in each group. Students from various fields of study Participation of foreign students turned to be beneficial These students have learned to take the responsibility and distribute the work to others or at least they tested their abilities in such role The students sometimes shown tendency to either be afraid (not understand) of external supervisors . Some of the students showed a natural talent, some others needed some advice, but there were also a few cases where the group would completely fall apart without the intervention of a supervisor, who in addition to expert aspects also monitored the overall approach of the group and their individual members. In such cases there was indisputable role of internal supervisor when at first helps student understand what is expected and also supervisors themselves start expert discussion based on student's anxiety. translates what is sought and, secondly, does supervisors leading professional discussion. because they did not understand what they were asked or sometimes they questioned practical opinions of the externists which were far more sceptical than theoretical ideas of students. Typically it appeared in the in custody Architect student - Economist supervisor.
Thank you for your attention Assoc. Prof. Ing. Barbara Vojvodíková, Ph.D. VŠB – Technical university of Ostrava Faculty of Civil Engineering L. Podéště 1875 Ostrava – Poruba Czech republic The works were supported from sources for conceptual development of research, development and innovations for 2014 at the VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava which were granted by the Ministry of Education, Youths and Sports of the Czech Republicus. Project Land Use and other aspects of development of settlements