GHY 1011-101 Global Climate Change MWF 11:00 – 11:50 AM 293 Rankin Science West Professor: L. Baker Perry, Ph.D.
Introduction to Course Introductions Course Logistics Expectations Questions? For Next Class: Read Chapter 1 in textbook and IPCC AR5 Ch. 1 (pp. 130-137). Labs WILL NOT meet this week!
Introductions Find out the following information from a partner: NAME POINT(S) OF ORIGIN MAJOR (or projected major) INTERESTING PLACES VISITED FAVORITE KIND OF WEATHER INTERESTS/HOBBIES
Course Logistics Please read the course syllabus in detail and let me know if you have any questions! Office hours are MWF 9-11, F 2-4 PM, or by appointment Textbook is Climate Studies: Introduction to Climate Science and is available at the bookstore. Other readings will be available on AsUlearn. Readings are expected to be completed before coming to class! THIS IS NOT AN EASY CLASS! BE PREPARED TO WORK HARD AND TO BE CHALLENGED!