5 Themes of Geography
What is geography?
Geography The study of the Earth, our home. Geographers analyze the Earth from many points of view. They may discuss how far one place is from another. You do this when you tell someone directions. But they also study such things as oceans, plant life, landforms, and people. Geographers study how the Earth and its people affect one another.
Location Describes where something is on earth. Absolute location: exactly where a place is located. (i.e. latitude and longitude) Relative location: a place in relation to another place. (i.e. it is near, above, west of, etc.)
Place The physical and human characteristics of a place. Physical characteristics – CLAP Climate Landforms Aniamls Plants Human characteristic - population
Region The similarities you may find in a place. Can include language, culture and similar historical background.
Movement How people, goods, information and culture got to a particular place.
Human-Environment Interaction How humans have changed a particular place (such as through canals, highways, etc.) How humans adapt to the environment around them (like wearing jackets in cold climates).
A Way to Remember: MR.LIP http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=AIqC79WrpKg&feature=endscreen