Barriers to Cultural Communication
What are we going to do today? Explore communication from a cultural viewpoint Identify barriers to communication Apply principles of communication through a case analysis
Recall Take a moment to think back to your fundemental communication course……. Way back in year two and……. Think about this question
QUESTION When we talk to each other what process is taking place? (HINT: Think about what you need or parts that you need to make a communication model)
When we talk to each other what process is taking place? QUESTION When we talk to each other what process is taking place? Sender Receiver Coder decoder Verbal message Non-verbal message
Draw Your Thoughts Show me you understand how communication works Use your imigation Use paper and colour pens provided
Match Does your picture match mine?
QUESTION What stops a message from being received?
What stops a message from being received? QUESTION What stops a message from being received? Personal Environmental
What stops a message from being received? QUESTION What stops a message from being received? Environmental Personal Noise Activity levels Physical arrangement Comfort level Technology barriers Time and distance Emotional Atitude language